13.1.1869 Malines/B - 18.5.1951 Ostende/B
Constant van Mierlo graduated from University of Gent in 1890 and moved to the administration of the Corps des Ponts et Chaussées. After a stay in France he then continued with the Belgium service of hydrography. There he investigated the regime of Schelt River and of the North Sea in the littoral of Belgium. He was interested in the propagation features of the Flemish Sea and on the tidal effects on a sand bed. His career in hydraulics ended abruptly in 1896 when being asked to direct the technical service of Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits. Yet he found time to continue research on the sand beaches and on the tidal rivers of his country. A number of papers was published in the Belgian Annales.
van Mierlo investigated the port of Zeebrugge and the problem of the tidal River Schelt downstream of Antwerp. He was appointed consultant of the Belgian government therefore, and asked to analyze the tidal Congo River in Africa. He was also in charge of a sea map pertaining to the coast of Belgium from Dunkerque to Antwerp. Further van Mierlo contributed significantly to the hydraulic and hydrologic knowledge of the Schelt River by various works published around 1905. After World War I he was again in charge of the port of Ostende. During this time he published a large work on the sediment transport in tidal rivers. van Mierlo was the Secretary of the Association of the Ancient Students of Gent University during 23 years.
Anonymous (1913). Constant van Mierlo. Annales des Ingénieurs de Gand: 138. P
Mierlo, C.J. van, Spysschaert, E. (1897). Carte générale de la partie méridionale de la Mer du nord, dressé d'après les sondages les plus récents. Lamertin: Bruxelles.
Mierlo, C.J. van (1899). La carte lithologique de la partie méridionale de la mer du nord. Bulletin de la Société Belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie 13(2): 219-265.
Mierlo, C.J. van (1905). Redressement de l'Escaut en aval d'Anvers. Annales de l'Association des Ingénieurs sortis des Ecoles Spéciales de Gand Série 3 4: 1-28.
Mierlo, C.J. van (1905). La grande coupure de l'Escaut. Annales des Ingénieurs sortis des Ecoles Spéciales de Gand Série 3 4: 29-63.
Mierlo, C.J. van (1905). La propagation de la marée dans l'Escaut rectifié. Annales des Ingénieurs sortis des Ecoles Spéciales de Gand Série 3 4: 231-253.
Mierlo, C.J. van (1907). Les grands navires dans l'Escaut rectifié. Annales de l'Association des Ingénieurs sortis des Ecoles Spéciales de Gand Série 3 6: 365-405.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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