10.8.1775 Zürich/CH - 29.8.1857 Herrliberg/CH
Hans Caspar Escher's parents had a silk fabrication in Zurich. He went with 18 years to Livorno to obtain education in commerce, which he left after a short time in favor of architecture. Upon return to Switzerland in 1797 he worked as an engineer and an architect. In 1804 he presented the first design of a water-driven spinning wheel. He thus founded with the banker Salomon von Wyss the spinning-mill Escher-Wyss in Zurich. His factory developed from textile commerce to machinery manufactory, with a specialization in spinning wheels, steam boilers, hydraulic turbines, paper mills, locomotives and steam boats. Despite his great engagement in mechanical engineering projects, Escher still continued as an architect and may be counted among the famous Swiss contributors to the classicist era. He was also active in the Zurich Cantonal Parliament from 1815 to 1834.
Escher erected branch factories in Ravensburg, Germany, and in Leesdorf close to Vienna, Austria. After the early death of his son Albert (1807-1845), he had to care alone for his large industries. Escher had a significant impact on the development of turbine design, and on the later hydropower development in the Alpine countries. During the development of this "empire", his technical innovation paired excellently with a commercial skill. Escher had already written in Italy: "After my return to Switzerland, I will certainly rely on mechanical art, on architecture and on geometry, my head understands these things easily…". He not only built up an important reputation for his family but was also at the forefront of the Swiss industrialization of the 19th century.
Anonymous (1869). Hans Caspar Escher vom Felsenhof - Biographische Skizze. Zürich. Anonymous (1959). Hans Caspar Escher zum 100. Todestag. Neumüller 19(5): 3-6. P
Escher, H.C. (1821). Hydrologie: Estimation de la masse d'eau fournie annuellement par le bassin du Rhin dans la partie Suisse des Alpes. Bibliothèque universelle des sciences, belleslettres et arts 4: 274-283.
Haefelin, J. (1989). Hans Caspar Escher: Architekt und Gründer der Escher, Wyss & Co.
Spaltenstein Immobilien: Zürich. P
Mousson, A. (1868). Lebensbild von Johann Caspar Escher im Felsenhof. Zürich. P
Peter, C. (1956). Hans Caspar Escher. Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik 6: 9-30. P
Vischer, D.L. (2001). Escher, Hans Caspar. Wasserbauer und Hydrauliker der Schweiz: 28-29.
Verbandsschrift 63. Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband: Baden. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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