- SWITZERLAND (see also List of Individuals)\22.10.1914 Milano/I - 22.7.2004 Bern/CH\Carlo Lichtenhahn graduated as a civil engineer from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich in 1937. From 1938 to 1944 he collaborated with an engineering office and contributed to harbor works and the Rhine River in Basle. He then joined the Swiss Office for Water Resources in Berne in 1944 and there was involved in the regulation of rivers and lakes. From 1953, Lichtenhahn was an Inspector for general questions in surface waters at the Swiss Federal Office of Roads and Rivers in Berne. There, he contributed to torrent rehabilitation and river improvements, among others. Lichtenhahn in parallel was a Lecturer of river engineering at ETH Zurich and was awarded the title of Honorary Professor in 1973. From 1978, he headed the Section River and dam engineering of the Office, from where he retired in 1979.\Lichtenhahn was an engineer who dealt with a large number of topics. These were mainly directed to hydraulic structures and to river engineering. A summary work was published with Eugen Meyer-Peter (1883-1969), the first director of Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau VAW. Rhine River was the true prototype for which Meyer-Peter and his VAW collaborators had developed over twenty years an intense research culminating in the Meyer-Peter-Müller sediment transport formula of 1948. The 1963 paper reviews some of the limitations observed in the laboratory campaign and makes an outlook to river development. A historical review of problems solved along the Rhine River reach between Reichenau and Lake Constance was published in 1972.\Anonymous (1971). 100 Jahre Eidgenössisches Amt für Strassenund Flussbau 1871-1971.Jubiläumsschrift: Bern.Lichtenhahn, C. (1960). La correction des cours d'eau en Suisse, ses principes et l'utilisation de digues longitudinales. 4 ICID Congress Madrid (14): 161-180.Lichtenhahn, C. (1971). Schutzmassnahmen gegen Unwetterschäden im Gebirge. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft 23(7/8): 149-157.Lichtenhahn, C. (1972). Flussbauliche Probleme am Rhein zwischen Reichenau und dem Bodensee im Wandel der Zeit. Wasserund Energiewirtschaft 64(10/11): 341-353.Lichtenhahn, P. (2004). Carlo Lichtenhahn. Personal communication. PMeyer-Peter, E., Lichtenhahn, C. (1963). Altes und neues über den Flussbau. Veröffentlichung 10, Eidg. Amt für Strassenund Flussbau. Eidg. Drucksachen und Materialzentrale: Bern. Vischer, D. (2004). Zum Tod von Prof. Carlo Lichtenhahn. Wasser Energie Luft 96(7/8): 221. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.