- SWITZERLAND (see also List of Individuals)\3.8.1894 Liestal/CH - 22.12.1978 Baltimore/USA\Adolf Meyer graduated as a civil engineer from ETH Zurich in 1919 and was then involved in bridge designs for the Swiss Federal Railways until 1921. He emigrated in 1922 to the USA to add to the construction of a steam power plant for the city of San Diego CA. From 1924 Meyer was a hydraulic design engineer of the Saint Lawrence Valley Power Company, and from 1927 to 1935 a collaborator of the Pennsylvania Water and Power Company. From 1936, he was a chief engineer with the Tennessee Valley Authority TVA in Knoxville TE. He was a Member and from 1959 a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE, and a Member of the US Committee of Large Dams. From 1957 to 1970, Meyer was a consultant for hydropower projects, where he was involved in the Pahlavi project in Iran, projects in the Pacific Northwest, and the Asejire Dam in Nigeria, among others.\Meyer became an US citizen in 1929. In 1939, when the Design Division of the TVA was reorganized, he became head civil engineer in charge of the newly created Civil Design Branch, a position he held until 1955. During those years TVA completed a major part of its river development which amounted to over 2,500,000 kW and built the first 4,500,000 kW of its steam plant capacity. Meyer made lasting technical and administrative contributions to this program. He was an outstanding authority in hydroelectric development which was always his primary technical interest. His 1955 paper was awarded the James W. Rickey Medal from ASCE.\Anonymous (1954). Adolf Arnold Meyer. Who's who in engineering 7: 1649. Lewis: New York. Anonymous (1956). Adolf A. Meyer. Civil Engineering 26(10): 689. PAnonymous (1980). Adolf Arnold Meyer. Trans. ASCE 145: 755-756.Davis, C.A., Meyer, A.A. (1943). The design of recent TVA projects. Civil Engineering 13(7): 305-308.Meyer, A.A. (1945). Energy dissipation at Fontana spillway. Engineering News-Record 135: 738-741.Meyer, A.A. (1946). Civil engineering features of the steam plant at Watts Bar. Trans. ASCE111: 1190-1230.Meyer, A.A. (1955). Modernization of Hales Bar plant. Trans. ASCE 120: 539-562.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.