- SWITZERLAND (see also List of Individuals)\29.5.1939 Bulle/CH - 29.1.2006 Wangen ZH/CH\Félix Raemy originated from the French speaking part of Switzerland and grew up in Neuchâtel. He graduated as a civil engineer from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in 1963 and from there moved as an assistant to Versuchsanstalt für Wasserund Erdbau VAWE, today's VAW of ETH. In 1970 he joined the ETH Institute of Hydraulics and there submitted in 1978 his PhD thesis. From 1979 until retirement in 1999, Raemy was a VAW hydraulic engineer. He passed away after a short illness.\Raemy's thesis treated the turbulent characteristics of pipe and channel flows. The experimental results were collected with a hot-film probe, a technique currently hardly employed because of problems with the probe stability. Once having returned to the VAW, Raemy was in charge of a variety of tasks, which he solved successfully because of his organizational qualities that he had gained from a military career in the Swiss Army. He was for instance instrumental in the coordination of large laboratory projects, in the management of VAW visitors and the technical and logistic assistance of complicated research projects. His research included about all aspects of hydraulic engineering, including problems with hydraulic structures and river engineering, the hydraulics of intakes or the performance of fluid machinery. Raemy belonged culturally to the Swiss French background; most of his writings are in French and he was among the few IAHR Members who regretted that the French language was eventually replaced by English. Raemy also loved to translate German written technical works into French, and his constant search for an even better description made him a valuable technical translator.\Müller, D., Raemy, F. (1987). Hydraulische Modellversuche zur Gestaltung von Turbinen-Einläufen. Wasser, Energie, Luft 79(9): 210-213.Raemy, F., Jaeggi, M. (1981). Some problems related to sediment transport measurement in steep mountain streams. Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement, IAHS Publication 133: 231-239.Raemy, F. (1991). Comparaison de quelques caractéristiques de la turbulence mesurées dans divers écoulements d'eau en canal et en conduite. La Houille Blanche 46(1): 13-31.Raemy, F., Hager, W.H. (1997). Flap level control for hinged flap gate. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers Water Maritime & Energy 130: 95-103.Raemy, M. (2006). Félix Raemy. Personal communication. PVischer, D., Raemy, F. (1990). A la mémoire de Charles Jaeger. La Houille Blanche 45(1): 18 P.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.