- TURKEY (see also List of Individuals)\23.2.1925 Baku/TR - 19.3.2007 Kingston/CA\Selim Yalin was born in the former Ottoman Empire, today's Azerbaidzhan. He graduated as a civil engineer from the Technical University of Istanbul and moved in 1957 to the Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau BAW Karlsruhe, and submitted in 1960 a Habilitation thesis to the Technical University of Karlsruhe. From there, he moved to the Hydraulic Research Station HRS, Wallingford UK to accept in 1966 an associate professorship in fluid mechanics at the University of Alberta, Canada. Finally, in 1969, Yalin took over as hydromechanics professor at Queens' University, Kingston, CA from where he retired in 1990. However, Yalin stayed active for many more years, following his constant drive to knowledge.\Yalin published a number of papers and several books in river mechanics. His first works were in French and in German during his years in Europe. From the 1960s he contributed classic studies to today's Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. These works deal essentially with the river morphology based both on experimental observations and careful mathematical analysis. A particular research topic of Yalin were meanders, whose complexities were explained in various scientific works and remained a hobby for him. Together with his life partner and successor at Queens' University, Ana Maria da Silva, he was an example for many younger researcher in terms of motivation, support and fascination in this exiting field of open channel hydraulics. In 2005, Yalin was decorated with the IAHR Honorary Membership of the International Association of Hydraulic Research.\Anonymous (2005). Prof. Selim M. Yalin. IAHR Newsletter 22(5): 72-73. P Scheuerlein, H. (2007). Prof. Dr. M. Selim Yalin. IAHR Newsletter 24(3): 47. P Vollmers, H.-J. (2005). Selim Yalin 80 years. Wasserwirtschaft 95(3): 39. PYalin, S. (1958). Sur la mécanique du mouvement des matériaux solides. La Houille Blanche13(6): 607-618.Yalin, S. (1959). Über die Bedeutung der Theorie der Dimensionen für das wasserbauliche Versuchswesen. Bautechnik 36(8): 306-312.Yalin, S. (1964). Geometrical properties of sand waves. Journal of the Hydraulics DivisionASCE 90(HY5): 105-119.Yalin, S. (1971). Theory of hydraulic models. Macmillan: London.Yalim, S. (1977). Mechanics of sediment transport. Pergamon Press: Oxford. Yalim, S. (1992). River mechanics. Pergamon Press: Oxford.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.