- UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals)\22.5.1860 London/UK - 3.10.1937 Chandler's Ford/UK\Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell was the brother of Robert, the founder of the Boys Scout movement. At the time of his death, Baden-Powell was the oldest member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, which he had founded in 1880 and where he served on its Board, as a Secretary and in the term 1900 as its president. Baden-Powell also initiated from private funds the Journal of the Society, first the Aeronautical Journal from 1896, from 1923 the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society which from 1969 became the Aeronautical Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, one of the key media in this field of research and technology.\Major Baden-Powell was one of three first to experiment with man-lifting kites. He had previously been a leading spirit in military ballooning. In 1897, Baden-Powell was one of the founders of the Aeronautical Journal, with his Editorial entitled Present state of aeronautics. He had the vision that human flight was possible within a few years, which was demonstrated by the Wright brothers with the motor-powered Kitty Hawk in 1904. During the Boer War around 1900 his kites were successfully used for reconnaissance, photography and wireless telegraphy. He had made his first balloon ascent in 1881 and from 1884 he owned his balloon. He published in 1898 an exhaustive paper on Kites in theory and practice. Another paper was read in 1904 on Experiments with aerial screw propellers, after having carried out 350 tests on various types of airscrews. In 1908, Baden-Powell accompanied the famous American pilot Wilbur Wright as the second Englishman to fly. During all his career, Baden-Powell was a supporter of aeronautical research and practice.\Anonymous (1937). Major B.F.S. Baden-Powell, Honorary Fellow. Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 41: 1188-1189.Anonymous (1947). Baden-Powell, Major Baden Fletcher Smyth. Who was who 1929-1940:49. Black: London.Baden-Powell, B.F.S. (1892). In savage isles and settled lands. Bentley: London.Baden-Powell, B.F.S. (1897). Present state of aeronautics. Aeronautical Journal 1(1): 4-5. Baden-Powell, B.F.S. (1899). Evolution of a kite that will lift a man. McClure's Magazine (4). Pritchard, J.L. (1956). Major B.F.S. Baden-Powell. Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 60(1): 9-24. P http://www.scouting.milestones.btinternet.co.uk/airscouts.htm P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.