- UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals)\6.7.1882 Wolverhampton/UK - 5.3.1961 Benson-on-Thames/UK\Edwin Samuel Crump was educated as a civil engineer at Imperial College. He stayed from 1906 until World War I in India, where he was engaged in irrigation projects at the Punjab Water Station. During World War I he was an engineer in South Africa. Upon returning to England, he joined in 1949 the newly established Hydraulics Research Station HRS in Wallingford, to be promoted in 1952 to a senior scientific officer. Crump retired from the HRS in 1956; he was described as a charming man who was intelligent, responsive and quick. He was enthusiastic and threw himself into work. Crump collapsed from some cardiac failure while doing garden works.\Crump is particularly known for the Crump weir. This hydraulic structure is a twodimensional triangular weir with a horizontal crest in the transverse direction and a triangular crest shape in the streamwise direction. The upstream slope is 1 (vertical) in 2 (horizontal) and the downstream slope is from 1:5 to 1:2. The intersection of the two sloping surfaces forms a straight horizontal crest at right angles to the flow direction in the approach flow channel. The crest may either be made of carefully aligned and joined concrete sections or have a cast-in non-corrodible metal profile. The discharge of a Crump weir can be expressed with a standard discharge formula for weir flow of a rectangular crest section. The discharge coefficient varies essentially with the relative overflow depth and the weir upstream slope. The accuracy of this device often used for small water courses and in agricultural engineering is roughly 5%.\Ackers, P., Crump, E.S. (1960). The vortex drop. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers 16: 433-442.Anonymous (1972). Crump, Edwin Samuel. Who was who 1961-1970: 263. Black: London. Bos, M.G. (1976). Discharge measurement structures. Laboratorium voor Hydraulica en Afvoerhydrologie. Landbouwhogeschool: Wageningen.Crump, E.S. (1952). A new method of gauging stream flow with little afflux by means of a submerged weir of triangular profile. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers Part 1 1: 223-242; Part 1 1: 749-767.Crump, E.S. (1954). Points of interest in the design of a steeply graded pipeline. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers Part III 3: 861-889; Part III 4: 580-588.Crump, E.S. (1955). A vortex-siphon spillway for maintaining a constant water level upstream of a structure. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers Part III 4: 139-154.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.