.. 1882 Warsaw/PL - 8.8.1967 Bristol/UK
Edward Searles Lindley gained his education as a mechanical engineer from Cambridge University in 1903. From 1904, Lindley acted as an assistant engineer of the Central Provinces, India and one year later moved to the Punjab and there became acquainted with irrigation techniques. He became a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1908. From 1912 to 1924 he was an executive engineer in India and during the next four years was a superintending engineer. Later, he was responsible for the construction of parts of the Lower Bari Doab Canal. In 1955, Lindley retired and returned to England as a consulting engineer.
Lindley was one of the colonial engineers who developed the regime theory which later became famous particularly with Gerald Lacey (1887-1978). His first work related in 1921 to the Amritsar irrigation scheme in Northern India, and therefore to irrigation of the large plains of the subcontinent. Next, in 1927, Lindley participated in the discussion of a paper written by Robert Greig Kennedy (1851-1920) and one of his colleagues relating to the scour in silt, another important topic relative to the design of hydraulic structures in these difficult soils. The 1930 discussion pointed then to the key paper in the regime theory, with lots of interest particularly among the colonial engineers who saw an alternative to an approach directed by the "classic" hydraulic approach. Almost 30 years later, Lindley submitted again a discussion on a paper written by Lacey with the same, but now much developed regime theory. His last contribution to the topic was the 1964 discussion on alluvial channels.
Anonymous (1951). Lindley, Edward Searles. Alumni Cantabrigienses 2 4: 172. University Press: Cambridge.
Anonymous (1967). Edward Searles Lindley. Bulletin Institution of Engineers, India 17(4): 46. Lindley, E.S. (1921). Discussion on The Amritsar hydro-electric irrigation installation, by S. Leggett. Minutes Institution of Civil Engineers 212(2): 95-108.
Lindley, E.S. (1930). Discussion on Stable channels in alluvium, by G. Lacey. Minutes
Institution of Civil Engineers 229(1): 293-303.
Lindley, E.S. (1932). Measuring irrigation deliveries in the Panjab. Trans. ASCE 96: 1005-1019. P
Lindley, E.S. (1958). Discussion on Flow in alluvial channels with sandy mobile beds, by
G. Lacey. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers 11: 225.
Lindley, E.S. (1964). Discussion on Shapes of self-formed model alluvial channels, by
J. Stebbings. Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers 28: 225-232.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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