- UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals)\1.4.1875 Liverpool/UK - 31.5.1932 London/UK\David Ernest Lloyd-Davies was educated at the University of Birmingham and served a pupilage under the Borough Engineer of Wolverhampton from 1893 to 1896. During the next five years he was engaged on large schemes for sewerage, sewage disposal and water supply. In 1901 Lloyd-Davies became chief assistant engineer to the Corporation of Birmingham, in charge of the Rea main sewer, a diversion of the River Rea and the Rea main outfall sewer. While engaged in these works he contributed to the Institution of Civil Engineers the 1906 paper which was awarded a Manby Premium. In 1906 Lloyd-Davies was appointed chief engineer to the city of Alexandria in Egypt. He there completed the promenade quay-wall and the main sewer collector at the Eastern harbor, extended the promenade to the Ras-el-tin Palace, designed the main drainage and the breakwaters to protect the Eastern harbor. In 1914 Lloyd-Davies was appointed the first city engineer of Greater Capetown in South Africa and he continued to hold this office until 1931 when resigning owing to ill health. His chief works in Africa were the main drainage of the Southern Suburbs and the construction of the Steenbras waterworks. He presented again to the Institution papers on the drainage works and on water supply.\Lloyd-Davies was an active English civil engineer who has greatly contributed to typical engineering works around the turn of the century. His contributions to hydrology were noted, particularly as the concept of time of concentration in the rainfall-runoff process is concerned. He was an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers from 1901 and transferred to the class of Members in 1909. From 1927 to 1930, Lloyd-Davies served as a Council Member resident in South Africa.\Anonymous (1934). David Ernest Lloyd-Davies. Minutes Proc. Institution Civil Engineers 235: 510-511.Lloyd-Davies, D.E. (1906). The elimination of storm-water from sewerage systems. MinutesProc. Institution of Civil Engineers 164: 41-67.Lloyd-Davies, D.E. (1909). Rapport sur l'assainissement de la ville d'Alexandrie. Alexandrie. Lloyd-Davies, D.E. (1923). Main drainage of the Southern suburbs of the city of Capetown, South Africa. Minutes Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers 216: 102-112.Lloyd-Davies, D.E. (1923). The works for the augmentation of the supply of water to the city of Capetown, South Africa. Minutes Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers 216: 338-370; 234: 4-24.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.