- YUGOSLAVIA (see also List of Individuals)\12.1.1918 Ferdinandovac/YU - 27.8.1977 Zagreb/YU\Josip Grčić completed the engineering school of Zagreb and then graduated as a hydraulic engineer from Technical University, Prague. His first work concerned a bridge construction over the Sava River near Stara Gradiška, and the construction of the Karlovac-Slunj railway. In 1949, Grčić joined the Jaroslav Černi Institute in Belgrade, moved then to the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory in Ljubljana as a hydraulic model engineer and thereby was involved in physical model testing of the Jablanica, the Mavrovo, the Senj and the Split hydropower stations. From 1955, Grčić was a research assistant at the Zagreb Technical Faculty and from there graduated in 1957.\Grčić was appointed Lecturer at the Zagreb Faculty of civil engineering in 1966, and promoted to Reader in 1969. As a professor of hydraulic engineering from 1974, he there taught also hydraulics and experimental hydraulics. He participated in a number of congresses in mechanics and hydromechanics both at home and abroad. Grčić also lectured at the Faculty of Sciences, and at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering. He was a Member of the International Association of Hydraulic Research IAHR and participated in various of its biannual congresses. He was awarded a prize from the Yugoslavian Association for Hydraulic Research for original solutions of hydrodynamic problems of hydropower plants. He was further given research prizes from Černi Hydraulic Institute, Belgrade, and from the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Ljubljana.\Grčić, J. (1961). Model test for steady flow toward a well. 9 IAHR Congress Dubrovnik 591- 600. Grčić, J. (1961). Izvještaj o modelskom istraživanju bočnog preljeva na rijeci Uni kod Bosanske Dubice. Zagreb.Grčić, J. (1963). Doprinos istraživanju vrelne plohe bunara. Građevinar 15(5): 163-166. Grčić, J. (1964). Laboratorijska istraživanja u hidrotehnici. Građevinar 16(3): 77-85.Grčić, J. (1968). Erozija dna vodotoka iza hidrotehničkih objekata. Građevinar 20(10): 340-347. Tropan, L. (2007). Josip Grčić. Personal communication. PVujasinovič, B. (2007). Grčić, Josip. Istaknute osobe u Hrvatskom vodnom gospodarstvu kroz povijest: 66. HDN: Zagreb. PŽugaj, R. (2007) Josip Grčić. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.