- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\4.6.1909 Turnov/CR - 7.6.1982 Praha/CR\Cyril Patočka was born in Bohemia. After having graduated in civil engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague ČVUT in 1933 he worked in civil engineering construction and in the civil service for two years before returning to the ČVUT as an assistant to the Institute of Hydraulic Structures, then directed by Theodor Je dik (1889-1967). Shortly later Patočka joined the Institute of Hydraulics and Hydrology then directed by Jan Smetana (1883-1962). During the closure of the Czech universities in World War II, Patočka joined the Directorate for the Construction of Hydraulic Structures in Prague and in 1945 returned to ČVUT, where he continued work until his retirement in 1974.\Patočka obtained his doctorate in 1949; he was appointed Reader in 1950 and professor of hydraulics, hydrology and river regulation in 1954, and therefore took over from Smetana the institute directorship in 1955. He was the Dean of the civil engineering faculty from 1953 to 1957, and again from 1970 to 1973. From 1958 to 1961, he acted as the Deputy Rector of the University. Patočka was a popular teacher and published within the university a number of highly regarded student aids. His main research interests were in the field of open channel flow, broad-crested weirs and hydraulic culverts. Whereas his 1956 book related mainly to questions in hydrology, the 1966 work was dedicated to problems in hydraulics. The latter book was coauthored by Jiři Kunštátský (1908-1982). A final and successful version of the hydraulics monograph was presented in 1983. Patočka was the recipient of a number of state and university honors.\Novak, P. (2005). Cyril Patočka. Personal communication. PPatočka, C., Němec, J. (1956). Základy hydrologie pro zemědělce a lesníky. SVZL: Praha. Patočka, C. (1963). Hydraulika pro dálkové stadium. SNTL: Praha.Patočka, C., Kunštátský, J. (1966). Základy hydrauliky a hydrologie pro in enýrské konstrukce a dopravní stavby. Česká matice technická. SNTL: Praha.Patočka, C., Boor, B., Kunštátský, J. (1968). Hydraulika pro vodohospodářské stavby. SNTL: Praha.Patočka, C., Kolář, V., Bém, J. (1983). Hydraulika. SNTL: Praha.Patočka, C. (1983). Úpravy toků - Technický průvodce, Česká matice technická. SNTL: Praha. Tomeš, J., Léblová, A. (1992). Cyril Patočka. Československý biografický slovník: 524. Academia: Praha.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.