10.1.1924 Frederiksberg/DK - 7.3.1982 Hvidovre/DK
Vilmar Christian Mandrup Andersen graduated as a civil engineer from the Danish Technical University in 1948. He was from 1949 to 1954 an engineer with the Dansk Svovl-Syre og Superphosphatfabrik in Copenhagen and joined in 1955 the Institute of Hydraulic Research of the Danish Technical University, where he closely collaborated with its director Frank Engelund (1925-1983). From 1963 Mandrup Andersen was a Lecturer of hydraulic structures at the Dansk Ingeniør Akademie DIA-B, Bygningsafdelingen, Lyngby. In the late 1960s, he there acted as Director of the Hydraulic Engineering Department. Not much is actually known about Mandrup Andersen, and Lyngby University was unable to provide further information which would have resulted in finding his portrait.
Andersen was in the 1970s besides Engelund a leading figure of hydraulic engineering in Denmark. Next to a number of books on harbour structures, hydraulics and hydraulic engineering, he also presented some notable papers on the surface resistance of pipe flow thereby accounting for the results of the Germans Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953) and Johann Nikuradse (1894-1979), and of the English Cyril Frank Colebrook (1910-1997) and Cedric Masey White (1898-1993). Andersen also investigated the features of the undular hydraulic jump, thereby including the effects of streamline curvature.
Andersen, V. Mandrup, Burcharth, H.F. (1964). Lærebog i havnebygning. Kobenhavn. Andersen, V. Mandrup (1965). Surface resistance in pipes with rough and waved walls. Ingeniø´ren 74(7): 262-268 (in Danish).
Andersen, V. Mandrup (1967). Non-uniform flow in front of a free overfall. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series 42. Copenhagn.
Andersen, V. Mandrup (1978). Undular hydraulic jump. Journal of the Hydraulics Division
ASCE 104(HY8): 1185-1188; 105(HY9): 1208-1211; 106(HY7): 1252-1254.
Anonymous (1971). Andersen, Vilmar Christian Mandrup. Dansk Civilog Akademiigeniørstat:
30. Dansk Ingeniørforening og Krak: København.
Engelund, F., Andersen, V. Mandrup (1960). Vandbyning. TU Denmark: Lyngby.
Engelund, F., Andersen, V. Mandrup (1972). Opgaver i hydraulik. Polytechnisk forlag: Lyngby. Sahin, M. (2007). Prof. Mandrup Andersen. Personal communication. City: Hvidovre.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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