- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\8.10.1891 Dijon/F - 4.12.1969 Paris/F\Alfred Haegelen graduated from Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées in 1920. He moved in 1921 to Grenoble as a hydropower engineer and was involved in the design and construction of various dams that were erected before World War II in the Southeast of France. Mention must be made of Chambon Dam on the Romanche River, in which Henri Frédet (1870-1955) was also involved. Shortly before the War, Haegelen was appointed vice-president of Ecole d'Ingénieurs Hydrauliciencs of Grenoble and thus also participated in studies for Compagnie Nationale du Rhône CNR. He collaborated with technical journals such as Science et Industrie and Génie civil, both of which were mainly directed to engineering design and less to engineering research. Both journals have disappeared either in or just after World War II, and their message was taken over by Travaux, a journal founded in 1933, just after the first International Congress on Large Dams ICOLD. Haegelen retired in 1949.\Haegelen presented hydraulic studies for problems in hydraulic engineering practice. His 1925 paper was devoted to friction in penstocks as a basic hydraulic consideration. In 1926, Haegelen wrote possibly the first paper in side channel hydraulics. Water is discharged perpendicularly to the axis of these channels found particularly with earth dams. He realized significant hydraulic losses and correctly applied the momentum equation for predicting the free surface profile along the channel. Shortly later, much more rigorous work was available and applied to the Hoover Dam in the USA.\Anonymous (1955). Alfred Haegelen, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Directeur de la Société d'Etudes électriques et hydrauliques du Maroc, Membre du Comité Français des Grands Barrages. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris 1: 103. PHaegelen, A. (1925). Sur une formule de perte de charge d'application universelle. La Houille Blanche 24(1): 10-13.Haegelen, A. (1926). Calcul des canaux alimentés par déversoirs longitudinaux. La Houille Blanche 25(1): 17-18.Haegelen, A., Desgigot, A. (1961). Problèmes particuliers rencontrés au cours de la réalisation d'aménagements hydroélectriques au Maroc. Etudes et Réalisations 76: 13-21.Imbert, N. (1938). Alfred Haegelen. Dictionnaire national des contemporains 2: 263.Lajeunesse: Paris. PMasteau, C. (2003). Alfred Haegelen. Personal communication. Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées: Paris.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.