- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\3.10.1905 Neuf Brisach/F - 28.10.1990 Colmar/F\The Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides of the Science Faculty of Strasburg was founded in 1931 mainly by the impulsion of Henri Villat (1879-1972). Its creation had a twofold purpose, namely education in fluid mechanics in the Alsace region, and research in both aeroand hydrodynamics. Following the German invasion into France during World War II, the Laboratory was evacuated to Clermont-Ferrand first and then to Marseille. After return to Strasburg in 1945, a new building was erected being inaugurated in 1950. The research activities mainly concentrated on aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, physics of liquids, and applied sciences. The laboratory had two wind tunnels, a smaller of diameter 250 mm where questions relating to wall friction, transition phenomena and micromechanics were mainly investigated, and a larger installation of 1000 mm diameter serving for flow visualization, experiments relative to automobiles and railways, and propellers.\Louis-André Sackmann, a physicist by education, was appointed in the 1950s professor of fluid mechanics at the Université Louis-Pasteur in Strasbourg. In the mid 1970s he had some 20 collaborators in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. He investigated problems in scour in front of bridge piers using heavy material, proposed novel instrumentation for velocity measurement, analyzed propulsive propellers for aerodynamical purposes and also proposed means to protect aquifers from pollution.\Debeauvais, F., Feidt, R., Gebel, C., Sackmann, L.A. (1957). Microdébitmètre à perte de charge. Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministère de l'Air 64. SDIT: Paris.Lichtle, F. (2004). Louis-André Sackmann. Mairie: Colmar.Sackmann, L.A. (1936). L'écoulement des fluides au voisinage des points singuliers des obstacles. Gauthier-Villars: Paris.Sackmann, L.A. (1945). Etude quantitative et qualitative de l'hélice propulsive: Etude des pales complètes. Vallier: Clermont-Ferrand.Sackmann, L.A. (1955). Le Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de la Faculté des Sciences de Strasbourg. Journées de Mécanique des Fluides, Marseille 1952. Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministère de l'Air 296. SDIT: Paris, with bibliography.Sackmann, L.A. (1960). Science et technique hydrauliques à travers les âges. Techniques et sciences municipales 55(12): 447-456.Sackmann, L.A. (1971). Protection des nappes souterraines. La Houille Blanche 26(8): 717- 722.Zilliox, L. (2004). Louis-André Sackmann. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.