- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\18.11.1863 Yssingeaux/F - 24.1.1945 Monaco\Jules Richard took his PhD at Sorbonne in 1891 and received a medical Doctor title in 1900 after having made studies in Clermont-Ferrand and in Paris. He became curator of the collections at the court of Prince Albert Grimaldi of Monaco in 1901 and thus director of Musée Océanographique. He helped the prince during his research expeditions and thus was his scientific collaborator. Richard founded in 1904 the Bulletin du Musée Océanographique which continued until 1938.\Richard is known for his 1907 book Oceanography. In the 1930s a large number of works was published in the Résultats of the scientific campaigns of Albert I of Monaco, the greatgrandfather of the present Albert II of Monaco. These results include data on dissolved gas content in the deep sea, means to measure the bacteriological characteristics of sea water, on the instrumentation to collect plankton, or on observations on the sea currents and the temperature of marine arctic waters. Richard also invented a number of procedures and instruments for research in oceanography. The Oceanographical Museum of Monaco is still a major institution of the kind and has one of the most spectacular public aquaria of the world. It contains beautiful art works of depicted marine creatures and symbolical figures of the marine world. The Museum has preserved hundreds of specimens, reassembled skeletons of a variety of cetaceans including a baleen whale. There are also artifacts from the Prince Albert I's expeditions to the poles including a mounted polar bear, and a display of mounted penguins and puffins.\Deacon, M. (1971). Scientists and the sea 1659-1900. Academic Press: London.D'Hunières, L. (1905). Le Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Le Monde Illustré (1): 222. PPoggendorff, J.C. (1936). Richard, Jules. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 2166; 8: 4350-4351. Verlag Chemie: Leipzig, with bibliography.Richard, J. (1900). Les campagnes scientifiques de S.A.S. le Prince Albert I de Monaco.Monaco.Richard, J. (1900). Essai sur les crustacés considérés dans leurs rapports avec l'hygiène, la médicine et la parasitologie. Bigot: Lille.Richard, J. (1907). L'océanographie. Vuibert & Nony: Paris.Richard, J. (1920). Le Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Robaudy: Cannes.Richard, J. (1940). Sur une bouteille de construction simple pour les recherches océanographiques. Bulletin 791. Institut Océanographique: Monaco. http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/otto/Aquarium/Aquarien_der_Welt/Monaco.html
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.