8.9.1826 Colmar/F - 9.4.1906 Paris/F
Auguste Stoecklin was educated as a civil engineer at Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, from where he left in 1850. He was appointed chief engineer in 1874 and Inspector General in 1883. From 1894 to 1896, Stoecklin was vice-president of the General Council of the Bridges and Roads organization, the highest position of the French engineering Corps. He was awarded from Légion d'Honneur the titles Cavalier in 1865, Officer in 1888, and finally Commander in 1896, following retirement.
Stoecklin's career was in the first part similar to that of his friend Philippe Gauckler (1826-1905), being also in charge of regulation works for the Rhine River along the Alsatian border. From 1862 to 1866 he was at the Suez Canal, then under construction and contributed to the dry docks and the harbor of Alexandria. After return to France in 1867, Stoecklin was transferred as a Corps Member to the harbor of Bordeaux and to the Maritime Service in Southern France. From 1874 he continued as a maritime engineer at the Channel, for the Boulougne deep-water harbor as published in 1879. From 1879, Stoecklin stayed in the Rhone Delta region for engineering works. As an Inspector General, he was first with the Ministry of Marine and from 1887 to 1890 stayed in the French Possession Algeria. After having reached the highest engineering position in France, he continued works, certainly with Gauckler, for the Marseille docks and other national companies. His obituary was taken from a notebook that is actually with the Ponts et Chaussées direction at La Défense, Paris, giving an overview of all vice-presidents until 1914.
Anonymous (1914). Auguste Stoecklin. Vice-présidents du Conseil Général des Ponts et Chaussées 16. Ponts et Chaussées Equipements. La Défense: Paris. P
Anonymous (1916). Stoecklin, Auguste. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 86(1): 99-100. Renaud, B. (1961). Le Corps des ingénieurs des Ponts et Chaussées. Regards sur la France 5(14): 33-44. P
Stoecklin, A. (1859). Notice sur les travaux d'endiguement des lacs dans la vallée d'Orbey. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 29(2): 53-73.
Stoecklin, A. (1867). Notice sur la construction du bassin de Radour de Suez (Egypte). Bord: Bordeaux.
Stoecklin, A. (1877). Port de Boulogne: Création d'un port à eau profond. Beer: Boulogne. Stoecklin, A., Laroche, X. (1879). Des ports maritimes considérés au point de vue des conditions de leur établissement et de l'entretien de leurs profondeurs. Rapport fait à la suite d'une mission en Belgique, en Hollande et en Angleterre. Simonnaire: Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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