- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\9.3.1834 Wiedensahl/D - 25.2.1904 Friedenau/D\Friedrich Wilhelm Büsing lost his parents at age 14 due to cholera and had to support his brothers and sisters as the eldest. He was able to work as an assistant geometer for various dike projects. Only in 1862 he became a student at the Polytechnic of Hannover which he left four years later in the state corps. Büsing joined in 1869 the Prussian Marine Service to improve the port of Wilhelmshaven. In 1873 Büsing moved to Berlin to take over as vice-director the German engineering journal Deutsche Bauzeitung. In parallel he specialized as a "city engineer", thereby contributing to projects of water supply and wastewater removal of the German capital. Büsing succeeded James Hobrecht (1825-1903) in 1876 as Lecturer of city engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, given that Hobrecht wanted to devote all his forces to city sanitation. He was promoted to professor in 1889.\Germany had already in the 19th century a number of specialized journals in "city engineering". One might mention the Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege, founded in 1869 and lasting until World War I. More lasting is the journal Gesundheits-Ingenieur which initiated in 1878 and is still presently a successful journal in all matters relating to public sanitation and environmental engineering. A third journal of note is the Gas und Wasserfach founded in 1857 and which is also still relevant these days. Büsing was a member of the editorial board of these journals. Büsing also contributed to the Handbuch der Hygiene of which the first volume appeared in 1893, and the last of the ten volumes was completed in 1927. This work is as impressive as other German handbooks and sheds light on the immense professional organization potential. Despite World War I had caused immense losses in Germany, the country was the leading nation in hydraulic research from 1925 to 1935, when the main forces started to be taken for the preparation of the next war.\Anonymous (1916). Zur 50. Wiederkehr des Jahrestages der Gründung der Deutschen Bauzeitung. Deutsche Bauzeitung 50(101): 526-532. PBlasius, R., Büsing, F.W. (1893). Die Städtereinigung. Handbuch der Hygiene 2. Fischer: Jena. Büsing, F.W. (1896). Wohnungs-Hygiene. Berlin.Büsing, F.W. (1897). Die Städtereinigung. Bergsträsser: Stuttgart, Teil des Handbuches der Ingenieurwissenschaften.Eiselen, F. (1904). Friedrich Wilhelm Büsing. Deutsche Bauzeitung 38(19): 115-118; 38(20):121-122. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.