15.2.1903 Ellefeld/D - 7.9.1991 Kiefersfelden/D
Eugen Gruschwitz gained in 1931 his PhD title from Göttingen University, where he collaborated with Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953). Gruschwitz then moved to the Zeppelin Works in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance as a chief engineer to develop elements in aviation. After World War II, he was a scientist with Office Nationale d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales ONERA, in Châtillon-sous-Bagneux. Gruschwitz returned to Germany in the early 1960s and there collaborated with Dornier aviation works directed by Claude Dornier (1884-1969). Gruschwitz retired in 1976 and moved to the German-Austrian border.
Gruschwitz's PhD thesis investigated the turbulent boundary layer for flows with both decreasing and increasing pressure. Its basis was the boundary layer theory established by Prandtl in the famous 1904 paper for constant pressure along a plane. Whereas flows with a decreasing pressure along a wall allow simple extension of the classic Prandtl approach, the case with increasing pressure involved flow separation from the wall, a significant issue in fluid dynamics. Gruschwitz was able to explain the main features of flow separation based on his theoretical approach, although scientists have continued to work on this issue until presently. The 1932 paper written in collaboration with Oskar Schrenk (1901-1990) introduces a simple means to increase lift of a wing by adding a flap at its end. This addition was important in aviation to reduce landing velocities.
Fütterer, H. (2006). Eugen Gruschwitz. Personal communication.
Gruschwitz, E. (1931). Die turbulente Reibungsschicht in einer ebenen Strömung bei Druckabfall und Druckanstieg. Ingenieur-Archiv 2: 321-346.
Gruschwitz, E. (1932). Über den Ablösungsvorgang in der turbulenten Reibungsschicht. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 23(11): 308-312.
Gruschwitz, E., Schrenk, O. (1932). Über eine einfache Möglichkeit zur Auftriebserhöhung von Tragflügeln. Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt 23(20): 597-601.
Gruschwitz, E. (1935). Turbulente Reibungsschichten mit Sekundärströmung. Ingenieur-Archiv
6: 355-362.
Gruschwitz, E. (1950). Calcul approché de la couche limite laminaire en écoulement compressible sur une paroi non conductrice de la chaleur. Publication ONERA 47.
Gruschwitz, E. (1964). Berechnung des Profilwiderstandes in kompressibler Unterschallströmung aus dem Nachlauf. Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften 12(5): 166-169.
Jouet, F. (2006). Eugène Gruschwitz. Archives ONERA: Châtillon-sous-Bagneux. P

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