4.3.1863 Olten/CH - 28.10.1937 Dresden/D
Ernst Lewicki was appointed in 1908 professor of hydraulic machinery at the Technical University of Dresden, from where he retired in 1927. He was awarded in 1933 the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Leipzig. Lewicki was also a notable individual in drawing and in music sciences.
Lewicki was the son of Leonidas, a mechanical engineer, who was also a professor of mechanical engineering at Dresden University. His son Ernst there took over from him in 1908 the Institute of hydraulic machinery and steam turbines to advance the hydropower knowledge. As Hubert Engels (1854-1945) in hydraulic engineering, Lewicki was therefore at the forefront of the technical developments in his field. The hydraulic laboratory was described in the 1898 paper, and the educational purpose was particularly highlighted. Then, in 1904, Lewicki discussed the economic and safety aspects of the then modern steampower installations as compared to gas turbines. The 1905 paper highlights a double turbine designed by a Saxon turbine furnisher and thereby also demonstrates the close relation between engineers from practice and university. Another paper from these years contributes to the subdivision of steam turbines, namely those of the type of Johann Andreas von Segner (1707-1774), those with a slit overpressure and those without, which are also referred to as free jet turbines. Lewicki was therefore an engineer who contributed considerably to power engineering based on hydraulic and thermodynamic machinery.
Anonymous (1908). Prof. Ernst Lewicki. Umschau 12: 339. P
Lewicki, E. (1898). Das Laboratorium für Kraftmaschinen an der Kgl. Sächsischen Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden. Zeitschrift für Architektur und Ingenieurwesen 44(6): 538-560. Lewicki, E. (1902). Der Dreiflammrohrkessel. Z. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 46(25): 925-930. Lewicki, E. (1904). Wirtschaftlichkeit und Betriebssicherheit moderner Dampfkraftanlagen im Vergleich mit Sauggenerator-Gaskraft-Anlagen. Springer: Berlin.
Lewicki, E. (1905). Bremsung einer Spiral-Doppelturbine gebaut von der Sächsischen Turbinenbauund Maschinen-Fabrik A.G., vormals A. Kuhnert & Co. Die Turbine 1(7): 181-184.
Lewicki, E. (1910). Versuche an einem Wirbelstrom-Überhitzer. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Turbinenwesen 7(7): 97-99.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Lewicki, Ernst. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 7a: 88.
Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography. http://www.tu-dresden.de/mwiem/theman/Willkommen/Geschichte.htm P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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