- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\11.6.1855 Kłodzko/PL - 31.5.1928 Liegnitz/PL\Max Rother originated from the former city Glatz. He was the last collaborator of Adolf Thiem (1836-1908), a founder of scientific water supply by groundwater recharge. Rother thus learned from his master the basics of drinking water prospection and the installation of water supply systems in cities. Rother served as the mathematical consultant to Thiem when developing the necessary formulation of the groundwater equations. After Thiem's son Günther (1875-1959) had taken over the office from his father, Rother moved to the waterworks of Leipzig, where he was appointed director.\Rother has written a number of papers in the journals of the time, namely Zeitschrift für Gewässerkunde founded by Harry Gravelius (1861-1938) in 1898 and Das Gasund Wasserfach, one of the first in water supply and wastewater technologies, founded in 1858 under a different title and continuing until today. Rother's 1899 paper is an attempt to define backwater curves in open channels with an analytical approach. His 1900 paper then presents practical methods to determine discharge in open channels using the propeller meter as originally developed by Reinhard Woltman (1757-1837). It presents rating curves for the instruments used at that time. A third paper relates the coefficient introduced by Antoine de Chézy (1718-1798) to that of the Ganguillet-Kutter formula. The latter formula was considered around 1900 more accurate than the Chezy formula because it included data from small to large rivers, in addition of those collected by Henry Bazin (1829-1917). Following the researches of Albert Strickler (1887-1963), among others, mainly power formulae remained in practical use.\Anonymous (1928). Dipl.-Ing. Max Rother. Das Gasund Wasserfach 71(23): 575. Prinz, E. (1925). Max Rother 70 Jahre. Wasser und Gas 16(9): 933-934. PRother, M. (1899). Ein Beitrag zum Probleme der Spiegelabsenkung in Wasserläufen mit freiem Spiegel. Zeitschrift für Gewässerkunde 2(5): 275-309; 2(6): 337-347.Rother, M. (1900). Über Fortschritte in der Verwendung Woltman'scher Flügel zur Wassermessung. Verhandlungen Deutscher Verein für Gasund Wasserfachmänner 16: 268-282.Rother, M. (1904). Die Ergiebigkeit unvollkommener Brunnen. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 47(42): 937-942; 47(43): 957-962.Rother, M. (1911). Tabelle zur Ermittlung des Wertes J mit Ganguillet-Kutterschem Werte des Koeffizienten c. Zeitschrift für Gewässerkunde 10: 126-135.Rother, M. (1911). Zur Berechnung von Rohrnetzen für städtische Wasserversorgungen. Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 54(40): 986-992; 54(41): 1005-1011.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.