- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\13.8.1868 Wriezen/D - 7.6.1941 Danzig-Langfuhr/PL\Otto Schulze graduated as a civil engineer from the Technical University of Berlin in 1891. He then continued in the corps of the Prussian hydraulic service and was promoted in 1896 to Regierungs-Baumeister. He was thus occupied with harbor works in Stettin and Swinemünde and was called back to the headquarters in Berlin in 1902, where he acted as a Wasserbauinspektor from 1904. Late this year he was appointed professor of hydraulic structures at the newly founded Danzig Technical University. Schulze was rector of this institution in the term 1919 to 1923, when Danzig was separated from Germany and founded its own free state. He retired as a professor in 1937.\During Schulze's stay in Danzig, three volumes of his work on sea harbor design were completed. The book was one of the few describing how modern sea harbors had to be designed and Schulze obviously profited from his practice on the Baltic Sea. Further, Schulze participated in a book originally published by Gustav Tolkmitt (1848-1900) on constructional practice, and in the Lexikon der gesamten Technik published by Otto Lueger (1843-1911). Besides, Schulze installed the hydraulic laboratory of Danzig University where he was also interested in internal navigation problems. Schulze was a Member of the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses PIANC and a Member of the Danzig city Council both before and after World War I when Danzig was a state controlled by the League of Nations. He was a founding member of Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft of which he was finally a Honorary Member. Schulze was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Berlin Technical University in 1924 after having been promoted to Geheimer Regierungsrat seven years earlier.\Anonymous (1949). Geheimer Baurat Prof. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Friedrich Wilhelm Otto Schulze. Jahrbuch Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft 19: XVII-XVIII. PBruns, X. (1941). F.W. Otto Schulze zum Gedächtnis. Die Bautechnik 19(33): 358. PKressner, X. (1938). F.W. Otto Schulze 70 Jahre alt. Die Bautechnik 16(34): 443. PSchulze, O., Kauf, L., Brugsch, E. (1910). Wasserbau. Handbuch für Eisenbetonbau, Wasserbau, Uferbefestigungen, Schleusen, Leuchttürme und Leuchtbaken, Hellinge, Schiffsgefässe, Wehre, Staudämme und Talsperren. Ernst&Sohn: Berlin.Schulze, O. (1911). Seehafenbau. Ernst: Berlin.Schulze, O. (1920). Danzig und sein Hafen. Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 3: 58-76.Schulze, O. (1922). Der Stettiner Hafen. Jahrbuch Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft 5: 113-124.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.