27.3.1905 Porumbacul de Sus/RO - 17.10.1960 Bucureşti/RO
Aurel Bărglăzan was born in the Fagaras County of Romania. He graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Timişoara Polytechnic in 1928 and there continued as an assistant. He presented in 1940 a PhD thesis and from then was there a professor of hydraulic machinery. Bărglăzan was awarded in 1953 the Romanian People's Republic State Prize and in 1955 was elected Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences.
Throughout his career, Bărglăzan was interested in the development of hydraulic machinery. He thus particularly added to problems of cavitation, and to the design and construction of hydraulic machinery. High-speed hydraulic machinery is technically limited by the incipient cavitation process. As early as in 1935, Bărglăzan established relations for the machinery parameter limits, thereby defining the maximum pump speed in the sub-cavitation region. For axial pumps, the maximum suction head is correlated to the pump design elements, as are also governed hydraulic turbines. Bărglăzan thus proposed a design for the Francis turbine with a relation between the number of runner blades and minimum losses. These observations were summarized in the 1954 paper, in addition to a relation between the cavitation index σ and the turbine design elements. In 1958, Ioan Anton (1924-), later the successor of Bărglăzan, expanded the previous results to low-speed hydraulic machinery. From then, Bărglăzan investigated the peculiar phenomenon according to which the cavitation coefficient depends on the blade profile, as previously observed by Georgy Fedorovich Proskura (1876-1958). This problem was solved in principal shortly before passing away in 1960.
Anonymous (1960). Prof. Dr.Ing. Aurel Bărglăzan. Studii şi Cercetări Meccanica Aplicata 11: 1077-1078 (in Romanian). Bărglăzan, A. (1954). Cavitation phenomena in hydraulic machinery. Studii şi Cercetări
Timişoara 1: 123-152 (in Romanian).
Bărglăzan, A., Anton, I. (1958). Contributions à la recherche de cavitation incipiente. Société Hydrotechnique de France, 5 Journées d'Hydraulique Aix-en-Provence 1: 564-571.
Bărglăzan, M. (2004). Aurel Bărglăzan. Personal communication. P
Ionescu, S.N. (1994). Bărglăzan, Aurel. Who was who in 20th century Romania: 26. East European Monographs: Boulder. http://acad-tim.tm.edu.ro/acadbanat/ABarglazan.php P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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