22.4.1921 Lisboa/PT - 1.11.2001 Lisboa/PT
António Ferreira da Silveira graduated as a civil engineer in 1945 from Instituto Superior Técnico IST, Lisbon. He joined the Centro de Estudos de Engenharia Civil as a research engineer in 1946 and shortly later collaborated as a hydraulic engineer to the Portuguese General Hydraulic Directory. In 1948 Silveira joined the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil LNEC where he was involved in projects of dam engineering, and where he served in the section Dam Observation until 1963. He then collaborated with the Superior Council of Public Works, until returning to LNEC in 1983 as a sub-director for the final two years until retirement.
Silveira's work on the effect of temperature in dam structures was published in 1962. He had previously been active in the Zêzere hydropower project in central Portugal. Later he was a consultant for most of the Portuguese dams erected in Africa, such as Lomaum in Angola, the Pedro Dam in Brazil or the river engineering works on Ocreza River and the international Tejo River reach between Portugal and Spain. He was in addition instrumental in the works for the large Almendra Dam on Duero River, Spain. da Silveira founded in the early 1960's a consulting office with some colleagues which he ran until 1989 and where again notable dams were investigated all over the world. Accordingly, he was one of the outstanding dam engineers of Southern Europe who contributed mainly through innovative designs to the engineering profession. His papers were written with scientists of Portugal that added to his practical knowledge.
Anonymous (1970). Antonio Ferreira da Silveira. 10 ICOLD Congress Montreal 6: 199. P
Rocha, M., Serafim, J.L., Silveira, A F. da (1960). Arch dams: Design and observation in Portugal. Trans. ASCE 125: 911-953.
Rocha, M., da Silveira, A.F., Vieira Rodrigues, O., Florentino, C. (1961). Assessment of the behaviour of a large dam during its first loading. Mémoria 311. LNEC: Lisboa.
Silveira, A.F. da, Oliveira Pedro, J. (1964). Quantitative interpretation of results obtained in the observation of concrete dams. Mémoria 253. LNEC: Lisboa.
Silveira, A.F. da, Cruz Azevedo, M. (1979). Experimental study of the raising of Chicamba dam. 13 ICOLD Congress New Delhi 2: 415-429.
Silveira, A.F. da, Teixeira Direito, F. (1985). General aper of the Portuguese National Committee on large dams. 15 ICOLD Congress Lausanne GP(RS10): 1047-1063. pdf+antonio+ferreira+silveira+1921-&hl=de&gl=ch&ct=clnk&cd=5

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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