- PORTUGAL (see also List of Individuals)\27.5.1915 Ayamonte/E - 15.11.2003 Lisboa/PT\Alberto Abecasis Manzanares graduated in 1937 as a civil engineer from Instituto Superior Técnico IST in Lisbon. He was a visiting scientist for the following three years at University of Padua, Italy, and at ETH Zurich, where he met Ettore Scimemi (1895-1952), Eugen Meyer-Peter (1883-1969) and Charles Jaeger (1901-1989). From 1940 to 1948 Manzanares headed the hydraulic division of IST when being appointed hydraulics professor there until 1985. In parallel he served as a consultant in hydraulic engineering in Portugal until 1957 and then took interest in hydraulic problems relating to former Portuguese colonies. Manzanares was an Honorary Doctor of the University of Rio de Janeiro from 1967 and received the Prémio de Investigação Manuel Rocha from Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.\Manzanares was both an exceptional teacher with a sound hydraulic background, and a gifted hydraulic engineer involved in prestigious dam structures both in Portugal and in Mozambique. During his stay in Zurich, he presented in collaboration with Jaeger a paper on the generalized Bernoulli theorem demonstrating that the maximum discharge occurs simultaneously with minimum energy head. He also reviewed various sediment transport formulae by then available from the most recent laboratory investigations. In 1957 he analyzed a particular case of Venturi flume for discharge measurement in open channels. Manzanares contributed significantly to the water supply of the capital around 1950. In the 1950s, he was involved in the dam design of the Upper Alentejo Valley in Central East Portugal. From 1955 to 1975, he headed the Zambezi dam scheme with its center piece, the Cahora Bassa Dam, an arch dam 165 m high with a central surface spillway and eight orifice spillways, today's Africa's second largest dam.\Jaeger, C., Manzanares, A. Abecasis (1940). Le théorème de la simultanéité du minimum de l'énergie totale et du débit maximum dans le cas d'un écoulement plan permanent à filets courbes. Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences, Paris 210: 729-731.Manzanares, A. Abecasis (1940). O problema do transporte solido e a sua importância na hidraulica fluvial. Técnica 15(109): 659-666.Manzanares, A. Abecasis (1957). Quelques remarques concernant le canal Venturi ou jaugeur à ressaut. 7 IAHR Congress Lisbon 2(D7): 1-12.Manzanares, A. Abecasis (1979). Hidráulica geral. Técnica: Lisboa.Quintela, A. de Carvalho, Portela, M.M. (2003). Alberto Abecasis Manzanares. Instituto Superior Técnico IST: Lisboa (with bibliography). P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.