\1.10.1894/RU - 21.11.1968 Leningrad/RU\Konstantin Ivanovich Strakhovich was educated in physics and mathematics at Saint Petersburg State University. He continued at the State Hydrologic Institute and there got acquainted with works in gasand hydro-dynamics. In 1925 he moved to Central Asia where he was involved in the development of hydropower schemes. Strakhovich submitted a PhD thesis in 1928 on Hydromechanics of rigid bodies in fluid flow. From 1929, he was a senior assistant of thermodynamics and hydraulics at the Leningrad Technological Institute, from where he left in 1929 to the All-Union Kotlo Turbine Institute as deputy institute director and professor. Strakhovich was arrested in 1941 because of political reasons, from where he returned only in 1954 to Leningrad accepting an assistant position in the institute that he previously directed. He was awarded the Honorary Doctorate in 1963 without having submitted a thesis.\During his stay at the Kotlo Turbine Institute, Strakhovich was interested mainly in the hydrodynamics of compressors and pumping machinery. He developed a unique method for designing turbo machinery and advanced a theory for the computation of multi-staged axial compressors. These results founded his reputation as an outstanding hydraulician. Strakhovich was able to predict phenomena in hydrodynamics only by employing similitude arguments, elementary mathematics and physics, and Newton's laws. In parallel, Strakhovich developed the theory of linearized equations in hydrodynamics and applied the results to problems in processes where fluid viscosity has a small yet definite effect on the phenomena. He was also involved in the development of magneto-hydrodynamics in Russia. His total work covers some 350 papers, in which the contributions to gas dynamics are particularly relevant.\Anonymous (1974). In memory of Prof. K.I. Strakhovich. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermodynamics 27(3): 1163-1171, with bibliography.Mizoshin, R.N. (1999). Konstantin Ivanovich Strakhovich. Hydromechanics: 27-39. 275th Anniversary of the Saint Petersburg University and to the 70th Anniversary of the Chair of Hydromechanics, V.G. Dulov, ed. University: Saint Petersburg. P Strakhovich, K.I. (1936). Applied hydrodynamics. ONTI: Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian). Strakhovich, K.I. (1937). Applied gas dynamics. ONTI: Leningrad, Moscow (in Russian). Strakhovich, K.I. (1940). Viscous fluid mechanics. State University: Leningrad (in Russian). Strakhovich, K.I. (1961). Compressor machineryhttp://www.spbumag.nw.ru/2006/02/12.shtml . Gosstroyizdat: Moscow (in Russian). http://www.spbumag.nw.ru/2006/02/12.shtml P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.