- SWEDEN (see also List of Individuals)\22.6.1862 Stockholm/S - 29.10.1929 Stockholm/S\Fredrik Vilhelm Hansen graduated as an engineer from the Stockholm Technical University in 1882 and then joined as a hydraulic engineer the water supply service of the capital for the next twelve years. He took over the service as chief engineer until 1905 during which time the entire water supply and wastewater schemes were completed.\Trollhättan is the city of waterfalls and locks. It took centuries to master the thundering falls of Göta River. When the first section of the Göta Canal was opened at the beginning of the 19th century, it was considered the eighth wonder of the world. Taming of the river brought hydropower such that this scheme may be considered the birthplace of the modern Swedish industry. Hansen was involved and is still remembered for the Trollhättan hydropower scheme including the canal works in Western Sweden. He completed the design in 1898 and took then over as director for the following five years. In 1905, the Swedish State took over the scheme as one of the major works for energy production, with Hansen as its Director General. The works were expanded in 1909 and the Swedish King Gustav V inaugurated the largest Swedish hydropower scheme in 1916. This design was notable for large locks that allowed navigation. A summary of the entire project was presented by Hansen in 1915. Hansen retired from his position in 1920. From 1916 to 1922, he headed the Swedish Canal Organisation and thereby presented also the design of the Göta Canal. In parallel he also developed the hydropower over all Sweden and therefore is considered the father of Swedish hydroelectricity. He was awarded the Vasa Order in 1928 and a monument was erected in Trollhättan in 1934.\Anonymous (1922). Hyllningsskrift tillägnad F.V. Hansen på 60 årsdagen. Tisells: Stockholm. PAnonymous (1928). F. Vilhelm Hansen. World Power 10(58): 341. PAnonymous (1929). Fredrik Vilhelm Hansen. Teknisk Tidskrift 59(44): 537. PAnonymous (1933). State power plants in Sweden. Central-tryckeriet: Stockholm. Anonymous (1946). Hansen, Fredrik Vilhelm. Svenska män och kvinnor 3: 303-304. Bonniers: Stockholm. PHansen, F.V. (1911). Trollhättan dess kanaloch kraftverk. Vattenfallsstyrelsen: Stockholm. Hansen, F.V. (1915). Vattenfallssakkunniga betänkande. Mareus: Stockholm.Hansen, F.V. (1924). Schwedens Wasserkräfte, deren Ausnutzung. Zeitschrift VDI 68: 321-327. Lübeck, S. (1926). Fredrik Vilhelm Hansen den statliga kraftindustriens skapare. Teknisk Tidskrift 58(27): 269-271. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.