13.9.1931 Stockholm/S - 6.2.1996 Lausanne/CH
Inge Lennart Ryhming obtained the mechanical engineering diploma in 1955 from Royal Technical University KTH, Stockholm and there gained his PhD title in 1966. In 1957 he joined the theoretical gas dynamics Institute of the Technical University Aachen, then the aerodynamics section of SAAB in Sweden; he moved on in the 1960s to Boeing Aeronautical Research Laboratories, USA and was with Aerospace Corporation until returning in 1965 to Sweden. There he became an associate with the Bromma Research Laboratory to be appointed chief engineer in 1968. In 1970 he took over as laboratory vice head of Atlas Copco in Ecublens, Switzerland. Ryhming was appointed in 1979 professor of fluid mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL in Lausanne.
Ryhming's research was directed towards flow in turbo-machinery, heat and mass transfer and the boundary layer theory in aero-physics. He also was interested in external flows in aerodynamics along with the mathematical background. His 1985 book Fluid dynamics, re-edited in 2004, has had a considerable success in French speaking countries. The book brings a fresh approach to the basic problems in modern fluid mechanics. It is subdivided in the following chapters: (1) General, (2) Continuity equation, (3) Momentum equation, (4) Dynamics of ideal fluid flow, (5) Potential flow theory for incompressible fluids, (6) Incompressible viscous flows, (7) Dynamics of compressible flows, and (8) Exercises.
Gouda, S. (1979). Inge Lennart Ryhming. poly-rama 44: 32. P
Rodi, W., Pironneau, O., Savill, A.M., Truong, T.V., Ryhming, I.L. eds. (1992). Numerical simulation of unsteady flows: Transition to turbulence. University Press: Cambridge.
Ryhming, I.L. (1957). Axiale Rückwirkungen von Überschallschaufelgittern. ZAMM 37(9/10): 370-385.
Ryhming, I.L. (1961). The supersonic boom of a projectile related to drag and volume. Journal of the Aerospace Sciences 28(2): 113-118.
Ryhming, I.L. (1968). On viscous wedge-flow. Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden: Stockholm.
Ryhming, I.L. (1985). Dynamiques des fluides. Presses Polytechniques Romandes: Lausanne.
Vos, J.B., Rizzi, A., Ryhming, I.L. (1992). GAMM Conference on Numerical methods in fluid mechanics. Vieweg: Braunschweig. http://www.springerlink.com/content/t81701521mu83243/fulltext.pdf P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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