- SWEDEN (see also List of Individuals)\27.7.1877 Göteborg/S - 24.2.1935 Stockholm/S\Axel Wallén graduated in 1905 from the Göteborg University and gained the PhD title in 1906 from the Uppsala University. He was then a Lecturer in hydrology until 1908 after having been associated with the Swedish Meteorological Institution in Uppsala from 1901 to 1902. From 1915 he was a Lecturer of climatology at the Stockholm Technical University. From 1918, Wallén directed the State Meteorological Institute. He presided over the Agricultural-Meteorological Swedish Commission from 1921, and from 1930 over the International Union of Geodetics and Geophysics, today's IUGG. Finally, Wallén was the president of the World Meteorological Organization WMO. He was elected Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1923 and of the Royal Meteorological Society, London.\During his professional career, Wallén pursued two main scientific directions, namely the rainfall and runoff characteristics of his country, and the relation between meteorology and agriculture. In the latter topic, he investigated the effect of temperature on harvesting. Wallén's first important hydrologic work was the 1906 publication on the hydraulic regime of the Dalelf River close to Nordlund. It was considered the first detailed Swedish analysis on a river regime from a hydrological point of view. This study was also the basis for later river regulation works undertaken in the 1920s. In the early 1910s, Wallén investigated the temperature regime of the Swedish capital. These works culminated in one of Wallén's major writing Climate of Sweden in 1930.\Anonymous (1955). Axel Wilhelm Wallén. Svenska män och kvinnor 8: 171. Bonniers: Stockholm. PSchmidt, W. (1935). Axel Wallén. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 52(4): 143-144. Wallén, A. (1906). Régime hydrologique du Dalelf. Dissertation. University: Uppsala.Wallén, A. (1913). Om möjligheterna att förutsäga vänerns vattenstånd och dalälfvens vatten- mängder. Teknisk Tidskrift Väg- och Byggnadskonst 43(5): 53-58.Wallén, A. (1917). Siljans reglering och vattenstånden i nedre österdaläfven ofvan Mora. Teknisk Tidskrift 47(11): 129-133.Wallén, A. (1918). Klimatets inverkan på arbetsintensitet och kultur. Teknisk Tidskrift 48(26): 303-307. Wallén, A. (1928). Väderlekens samband med hälsotillståndet. Norstedt: Stockholm. Wallén, A. (1930). Sveriges klimathttp://www.smhi.se/sgmain/om_smhi/historik/smhihist_1919.htm . Norstedt&Söner: Stockholm. http://www.smhi.se/sgmain/om_smhi/historik/smhihist_1919.htm P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.