25.6.1893 Ytterhogdal/S - 20.12.1966 Stockholm/S
Per Wilhelm Werner graduated as a civil engineer from the Stockholm Technical University in 1919. After having gained a PhD title from MIT, USA in 1923, he joined from 1925 the Swedish Water Authority Vattenbyggnadsbyrån VBB in Stockholm and there stayed all through his professional career, finally as director until being retired in 1958.
Werner first worked on the transport capacity of rivers and special canals for wooden logs, an issue in the Scandinavian countries that have a rich wood offer from the large forests. In parallel, Werner also proposed an improved method for the computation of backwater and drawdown curves in open channel flow. During World War II, he presented a project on a sluiceway for River Daugava in Latvia where rafting was also a concern. After World War II, Werner analyzed groundwater flow and published his papers in international journals. In 1946, he presented a paper on the large artesian aquifers and discussed their role in water supply and irrigation techniques, thereby referring to the previous works of Robert Dachler (1890-1957) and the Americans Meinzer and Theis. During the 3rd Congress of the International Committee on Large Dams ICOLD held in Stockholm, Werner discussed the implications of piping for a dam in a Swedish hydropower installation. A hydraulic study on the hydrodynamic effects during an earthquake was published in 1949, thereby accounting for fluid compressibility. In 1951, he also added to the knowledge of meanders formed in rivers.
Anonymous (1955). Dr. P. Wilh. Werner. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris 1: 170. ICOLD: Paris. P
Werner, W. (1933). Über die Beförderungskapazität von Flosskanälen. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 28(6): 66-68.
Werner, W. (1940). Zur Berechnung der Wasserspiegellage. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft
35(8): 171-172.
Werner, W. (1941). Schleuse für Flossund Bootverkehr bei der Wasserkraftanlage Kegums (Lettland). Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 36(3): 127-131; 36(4): 193-196.
Werner, W. (1946). Notes on flow-time effects in the great artesian aquifers of the earth. Trans. American Geophysical Union 27(5): 687-708.
Werner, W., Ljung, E. (1948). Method of preventing piping at Traryd power plant. 3 ICOLD Congress Stockholm Q10(R18): 1-12.
Werner, W., Sundquist, K.J. (1949). On hydrodynamic earthquake effects. Trans. American Geophysical Union 30(5): 636-657.
Westergren, T. (2006). Per Wilhelm Werner. Library, Royal Institute Technology: Stockholm. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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