1.8.1896 Fleurier/CH - 5.10.1974 Genève/CH
André Ribaux graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Bienne Technical College in 1918. He was then for three years an engineer with Piccard-Pictet hydraulic engineers, in short Pic-Pic in Geneva, the later mechanical engineers Ateliers Charmilles. Ribaux was appointed professor of hydraulic machinery at the Geneva Technical College in 1921, and there remained all throughout his career until retirement in 1956. During his career he was in close contact with the mechanical industry mainly of Western Switzerland.
Ribaux is known for several books in practical hydraulics, and associated branches. These booklets were directed to immediate application in engineering and thus retained the basics of fluid flow. These books were successful in the French language regions all over the world, particularly in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada. The 1932 book reviews mechanical design procedures, including hydraulic machinery. The 1953 pipeline book was particularly directed to engineers working in the water supply and the wastewater treatment sectors. The basic relations such as pipeline design using the Colebrook and White formula, loss coefficients in pipe networks and additional elements for regulating such schemes were outlined. The second 1953 book treats turbo-machinery, a book that may be considered a simpler version of the successful book of Bruno Eck (1899-1982) on the same topic. Next to these successful books, in which the subject matter was also explained with computational examples, Ribaux took interest in Technical Committees treating normalization of fluid flow in urban regions. For years, he was thus associated with the Technical Standards Committee of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects SIA, to advance the standards in Swiss engineering.
Anonymous (1974). Le volée 1923 a eu 50 ans. Bulletin Technique de l'Association des Anciens Elèves des Ecoles Techniques Genève 59(2): 16-17. P
Anonymous (1975). André Ribaux. Schweizerische Bauzeitung 93(13): 189. Ribaux, A. (1932). Le dessin des machines. Atar: Genève.
Ribaux, A. (1953). Canaux et tuyauteries. Moraine: Genève. Ribaux, A. (1953). Turbo-machines. Moraine: Genève.
Ribaux, A. (1953). Spécialisation et apprentissage manuel. Bulletin Technique des Anciens Elèves de l'Ecole d'Ingénieurs Genève 38(1/2): 24-25. P
Ribaux, A. (1962). Hydraulique appliquée. Moraine: Genève, 3rd ed. Ribaux, P. (2004). André Ribaux. Personal communication. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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