20.2.1924 Tours/F - 26.8.1997 Neuilly-sur-Seine/F
Gaston Marquenet graduated as an engineer from Institut Electrotechnique of Toulouse ENSEEHT in 1948 and there continued education in mathematics, mechanics and fluid mechanics. He was from 1949 to 1954 a scientific collaborator of Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique and a Member of Société Hydrotechnique de France SHF. He was for the next six years a chief engineer at Centre d'Etudes et d'Organisation CEO and there took interest in the organization of large engineering works. Marquenet was an independent consultant within the Chamber of Ingénieurs-Conseils de France from 1960.
Marquenet's professional career was twofold, of which only the first portion is of interest here. His 1950 paper written with a colleague accounted for novel methods of flood protection in urban regions using cascade channels in which the energy head may be kept relatively low, such that the potential of scour is limited. These works for river engineers were made in the French National Laboratory in Chatou. The second paper was directed to a hydropower station on the Vienne River, in which a channel junction was hydraulically investigated, among other problems. The main hydraulic work conducted by Marquenet relates to air entrainment in shaft spillways, as presented in the 1953 paper at the Minneapolis ASCE/IAHR Joint Congress. The two-phase air-water flow in a vertical shaft is complicated provided the two phases represent a mixture, in contrast to annular flow as occurs in a vortex shaft. Marquenet was the first European presenting results to such flows and observed that the air discharge increases with the water discharge to a maximum, beyond which air discharge decreases to finally zero as the water discharge further increases. For relative small water discharge, the mixture flow is practically unrestrained, whereas the mixture flow is limited as the water discharge increases. This phenomenon may be compared to flow as a bottle is emptied.
Lombardi, J., Marquenet, G. (1950). Méthode de calcul d'un chenal en escalier et à bief affouillables pour la régularisation d'un torrent. La Houille Blanche 5(B): 730-746.
Marquenet, G. (1951). Utilisation de la crue au maintien de la hauteur de chute de l'usine de Faux-la-Montagne. La Houille Blanche 6(A): 268-278.
Marquenet, G. (1953). Entraînement d'air par un écoulement en conduite verticale. Application aux puits d'adductions secondaires. 5 IAHR Congress Minneapolis: 489-506.
Marquenet, G. (1953). Application d'un siphon à dépression maximum au problème des adductions secondaires. 4 Convegno di Idraulica Napoli: 49-56.
Marquenet, P. (2005). Gaston Marquenet. Personal communication. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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