- FRANCE (see also List of Individuals)\29.10.1903 Versailles/F - 12.11.1986 Paris/F\From 1929, André Martinot-Lagarde was head of the Laboratory of Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Lille IMFL then directed by Joseph Kampé de Fériet (1893-1982). Its responsibility was to create a center of experimental aerodynamics to support the rapidly increasing demands from the French airplane industry. Martinot-Lagarde thus developed a wind tunnel in which the tests could be executed from 1934. Following the German invasion of Northern France in 1940, the Lille test site was transferred to Toulouse. During the exile, a pending wind tunnel was erected together with a low turbulence setup to investigate effects of boundary layer. Martinot-Lagarde was fascinated by tests related to turbulence theory, and he added a number of experimental techniques for its analysis. He was particularly interested in the air resistance of airplane wings by exploration of the wake zone.\In 1945, Kampé de Fériet and his collaborators returned to Lille where Martinot-Lagarde took over directorship of IMFL. In 1948, he published a book on Dimensional analysis, and in 1960 a book in collaboration with Edmond Brun (1898-1979) and his student Jean Mathieu. These two volumes were complemented in 1971 with a third volume in which the thermodynamic principles of aerodynamics are added to present finally an updated encyclopedic overview on theoretical aerodynamics. In parallel Martinot-Lagarde was attracted by the general principles of thermodynamics. He submitted a PhD thesis in 1958 and was appointed Honorary Professor of Lille University in 1960, from where he retired in 1969. He was finally a General Inspector of Aeronautics and decorated richly with French distinctions.\Brun, E., Martinot-Lagarde, A., Mathieu, J. (1960). Mécanique des fluides. Dunod: Paris.Dupuis, P., Guillement, H., Martinot-Lagarde, A. (1937). Sur la détermination des trajectoires des particules d'eau dans l'écoulement à travers une pompe centrifuge. Gauthier-Villars: Paris.Kampé de Fériet, J., Martinot-Lagarde, A., Rollin, G. (1939). Etude sur l'utilisation des anémomètres dans un courant d'air turbulent. Gauthier-Villars: Paris.Martinot-Lagarde, A. (1948). Analyse dimensionnelle: Applications à la mécanique des fluides.Rapport ONERA: Paris.Martinot-Lagarde, A. (1967). Une soufflerie verticale française de quatre mètres. Doc Air-Espace 107: 31-38.Martinot-Lagarde, J. (2004). André Martinot-Lagarde. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.