- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\24.12.1896 Pfungstadt/D - 11.6.1967 Stuttgart/D\Wilhelm Gandenberger graduated from Technical University of Darmstadt and continued there with Wilhelm Wagenbach (1876-1945) until joining the Stuttgart city water works in 1928. There he was interested in the methods of rapid sand filtration. Gandenberger submitted various papers on its advantages as compared with slow filtration. He further added in Germany to the distribution of American knowledge in this field. Later his interests were in pressure surges due to the rapid temporal variation of discharge in a network. Gandenberger was at the forefront of a project that intended to supply the city of Stuttgart with drinking water from Lake of Constance. He chaired the DVWK/VGW sections Water upgrading, and Surface waters. Gandenberger retired from his position in 1965. He passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 70 when returning from a study tour in South-America. Shortly before he had been elected a honorary member of the Deutsche Vereinigung des Gasund Wasserfaches DVGW.\The methods for drinking water treatment of the city of Stuttgart were a standard for all Germany and some Western European countries. Gandenberger's contribution to hydraulics was his work in the technical control of water hammer phenomena in large and long industrial pipelines.\Anonymous (1957). Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Gandenberger. gwf/Wasser-Abwasser 98(2): 51-52. PAnonymous (1967). Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Gandenberger. gwf/Wasser-Abwasser 108(32): 917-918, with bibliography.Anonymous (1967). Für Wasser gesorgt: Wilhelm Gandenberger starb in Pfungstadt. Darmstädter Tagblatt 22.6.1967. PGandenberger, W. (1942). Zur Dämpfung der Druckschwankungen langer Druckleitungen nach deren Abschaltung. Gasund Wasserfach 85(5/6): 54-63.Gandenberger, W. (1950). Druckschwankungen in Wasserversorgungsleitungen. Oldenbourg: München.Gandenberger, W. (1957). Über die wirtschaftliche und betriebssichere Gestaltung der Fernwasserleitungen. Schriftenreihe GWF Wasser-Abwasser 4. Oldenbourg: München.Gandenberger, W., Oehler, E. (1963). Verölung von Oberflächenwasser und seine Aufbereitung in Wasserwerken. Schmidt: Berlin.Gandenberger, W. (1967). Bodensee-Wasserversorgung. GWF(Wasser) 108(50): 1420-1428. Gandenberger, T. (2003). Wilhelm Michael Gandenberger. Personal communication.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.