- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\24.1.1840 Hannover/D - 6.4.1901 Berlin/D\Heinrich Carl Garbe graduated from the Technical University of Hannover to start in 1866 as a hydraulic engineer. He was appointed in 1871 hydraulic inspector and in 1875 professor of hydraulic engineering at the Hannover Technical University. From 1877 he was a Baurat, promoted to Regierungsrat in 1887 and to Geheimrat in 1891.\Garbe's important contribution to the hydraulic literature is the 1911 Handbuch. Starting in the 1880s, this encyclopedia of civil engineering was four times revised until World War I. The entire work was subdivided into five sections of which hydraulic engineering was section 3. The latter included a total of some 20 books each of at least 500 pages. The Handbuch may be recommended to all interested in the hydraulic knowledge around 1900. Garbe's 1874 paper describes canal works in which he was involved. Germany like other European countries developed their inland canals from the 1850s, although railways were in most cases more efficient for transportation of goods. The 1889 paper relates to river improvement in Silesia where large damages had occurred after floods. In mountainous rivers, methods differed significantly from those used in flood plains and were mainly proposed in the Alpine countries.\Anonymous (1901). Geheimer Baurath Heinrich Garbe. Deutsche Bauzeitung 35(30): 191-192. Anonymous (1956). Heinrich Carl Garbe. Der Lehrkörper der Technischen Hochschule Hannover 1831-1956: 121-122. TU: Hannover. PFrauenholz, W., Garbe, H., Intze, O., Schmick, J., Wolff, E. (1883). Denkschrift betreffend die bessere Ausnutzung des Wassers und die Verhütung von Wasserschäden. Deutscher Architektenund Ingenieur-Verein: Stuttgart.Garbe, H. (1874). Der Bromberger Kanal: Festschrift zur Säcularfeier der Erbauung desselben.Mittler: Bromberg.Garbe, H. (1888). Der Weichselhafen Brahemünde und die Canalisirung der Unterbrahe. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 38: 212-235.Garbe, H. (1889). Massregeln zur Abwehr von Überschwemmungsgefahren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der schlesischen Gebirgsflüsse. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 9(8): 72- 73; 9(9): 77-80.Kreuter, F., Spöttle, J., Gerhardt, P., Wey, J., Garbe, H., Franzius, G., Frühling, A., Genzmer, E. (1911). Landwirtschaftliche Bodenverbesserung, Fischteiche, Flussteiche, Seedeiche, Deichschleusen. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften 3(7). Engelmann: Leipzig.Wiebe, A. (1901). Prof. H. Garbe. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 21(29): 184.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.