30.7.1875 Leipzig/D - 20.3.1937 Dresden/D
Wilhelm Geissler made engineering studies at the University of Leipzig to graduate at the Dresden Technical University. He was then an engineer in the corps of the Saxonian government and also had his consulting office in Lichterfelde. From 1909 to 1920 he was a city inspector of Charlottenburg, Berlin and then moved to the city of Duisburg as a chief city engineer. Geissler was appointed in 1925 professor of city engineering at Dresden Technical University, where he acted for the next 12 years.
Geissler is known in road engineering. He published in 1907 a paper on the wastewater load of the city of Gera in Eastern Germany. Then, he authored the excellent 1914 book on wastewater techniques in which he outlined the various methods applied before World War I. As a colleague of Karl Imhoff (1876-1965) he therefore collaborated with the later mentor of wastewater technology all over Europe. Geissler contributed with projects and books to the improvement of sanitary conditions mainly in Northern Germany and he has had a reputation in wastewater hydraulics. Geissler with his background as a project engineer had an excellent relation with applied civil engineers and was able to bridge the gap between applied research and engineering applications. His 1914 book gives an account on the reputation he had in questions relating to sewers. He was known as an expert in water supply, wastewater treatment and urban planning but passed away much too early for unknown reasons: An expert mainly in the water supply technique had disappeared.
Geissler, W. (1905). Entwässerungsverbände. Technisches Gemeindeblatt 8(7): 97-99. Geissler, W. (1907). Häusliche Abwässer, Fabrikabwässer und Regenwässer in Gera. Gesundheits-Ingenieur 30(44): 713-719.
Geissler, W. (1914). Kanalisation und Abwasserreinigung. Handbibliothek für Bauingenieure 3(6). Springer: Berlin; 3rd ed. in 1933.
Geissler, W. (1928). Möglichkeiten der gemeinsamen Wasserversorgung der mitteldeutschen Industriebezirke Halle-Leipzig-Merseburg. Gesundheits-Ingenieur 51: 657-661.
Geissler, W. (1928). Strassenbau, Strassenbahnen, Stadtschnellbahnen. Taschenbuch für Bauingenieure 2: 999-1067, M. Foerster, ed. Springer: Berlin.
Klinkmann, G.H., Temme, T. (1937). Die Arbeiten Professor Geisslers auf dem Gebiete des Bitumens und des bituminösen Strassenbaues. Bitumen 7: 113-115.
Oesterhelt, O. (1937). Prof. W. Geissler. Die Bautechnik 15(12): 149.
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Geissler, Wilhelm. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch
7a: 180-181. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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