16.11.1932 Rottewitz/D - 13.2.1995 Radebeul/D
Manfred Hackeschmidt graduated in 1956 from the Technical University of Dresden as a mechanical engineer. Until 1966 he was then the head of the research laboratory of hydraulic machinery in Dresden. From 1964 he was a Lecturer in fluid mechanics at the Mountain Academy of Freiberg and also lectured in geohydrology at the Dresden Technical University. Hackeschmidt in 1969 was appointed professor of fluid mechanics and hydraulic modeling at the Mountain Academy of Freiberg. He was dismissed without notice in 1971 due to political reasons, but appointed professor of hydraulic machinery at the Friedrich-List University of Dresden in 1972. From 1977 to 1982, he directed the section machinery at this institution and for the following eight years chaired there the section hydraulic machinery and model techniques. Hackeschmidt was a founding member of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin-Brandenburg in 1993.
Hackeschmidt is known for various successful books, among which one may mention the 1972 fluid mechanics book containing the major elements of fluid mechanics as were taught to the mechanical engineers in the German Democratic Republic. The book differs considerable from standard treatment of the material, by including also test results and by a discussion of the results relative to the application in practice. Other papers relate to the transition between laminar and turbulent flow, as was earlier investigated by Ludwig Schiller (1882-1961) at the University of Leipzig. Also, Hackeschmidt is known for his various works in internal hydraulics, such as those on jet diffusion, on diffuser flow and on entry currents to various elements. These topics were also covered by Hackeschmidt's colleague Werner Albring (1914-2007).
Albring, W. (1990). Angewandte Strömungslehre. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin. Hackeschmidt, B. (2002). Manfred Hackeschmidt. Personal communication. P
Hackeschmidt, M. (1972). Strömungstechnik: Ähnlichkeit - Analogie - Modell. VEB Verlag: Leipzig.
Hackeschmidt, M. (1976). Strahlmischung, Diffusorund Einlaufströmungen. Schriftenreihe des Bauforschung 1. Bauinformation DDR: Berlin.
Hackeschmidt, M. (1982). Grenzen des laminar-turbulenten Grenzschicht-Übergangsgebietes. Maschinenbautechnik 31(7): 326-330.
Hackeschmidt, M. (1986). Die heutigen Anschauungen zur laminar-turbulenten Übergangs-Grenzschicht. Maschinenbautechnik 35(12): 553-559.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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