29.8.1829 Pillau/RU - 19.11.1892 Schöneberg/D
Friedrich Ludwig Hagen was the eldest son of Gotthilf Hagen (1797-1884), who was then a harbor inspector of the present city Baltijsk in today's Russia, close to Kaliningrad. When being two years old, his father had accepted a position in the capital Berlin, such that Friedrich made studies in civil engineering at the Berlin engineering academy. In 1851 he was engaged with hydraulic works along River Rhine in Düsseldorf and then visited England and Scotland to obtain an impression of the Anglo-Saxon knowledge in hydraulic engineering. In 1859 he submitted the final engineering tests and then again made travels through Belgium, France and the Netherlands. He joined the harbor authority of Ruhrort and improved River Saar until 1866. Due to excellent works he was awarded the French decoration Cavalier of Légion d'Honneur. Hagen was promoted to Oberbauinspector in 1871 and to Regierungsrat three years later. In 1875, after having negotiated with France details of the treaty following the Franco-Prussian War, he was appointed Lecturer of hydraulic structures at the Berlin Technical University. One year later he followed his father in the Ministry. Hagen visited various Universal Exhibitions, such as those in Paris in 1867, and 1880 in Philadelphia. In 1880 also, Hagen was promoted to Geheimer Oberbaurath and was an Honorary Professor of Berlin Technical University.
Hagen was a civil engineer dealing with the various questions of the second half of the 19th century. He had been involved in river engineering and in hydraulic structures, and was one of the persons that served as a consultant in difficult cases. A great part of his wealth was certainly because of his father's outstanding reputation in Germany, but he has also added to the fame of German river engineers. His papers were mainly published in the German journal Zeitschrift für Bauwesen, where he presented works on coastal and canal engineering such as on the coastal works along the Baltic Sea.
Anonymous (1892). Geheimer Ober-Baurath Prof. L. Hagen. Deutsche Bauzeitung 26(96): 588. Anonymous (1892). Friedrich Ludwig Hagen. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung 12(48): 507-508. P
Anonymous (1893). Ludwig Hagen, Geheimer Oberbaurath. Erfindungen 29: 385.
Anonymous (1929). Ludwig Hagen. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 49: 610-611. Hagen, F.L. (1884). Der Hafen zu Memel. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 34: 386-403.
Hagen, F.L. (1890). Rapport général. 3 PIANC Congress Francfort-sur-le-Main: 294-306.
Hagen, F.L. (1892). Welche Mittel giebt es, um Hochwasserund Eisgefahren entgegen zu wirken? Centralblatt Bauverwaltung 12(37): 389-392; 12(37A): 401-402; 12(38): 407-409.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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