- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\17.4.1845 Quedlinburg/D - 19.6.1911 Breslau/PL\Friedrich Hamel was appointed Bauführer after graduation as a civil engineer in 1868. In 1871, after participation in the Franco-Prussian War, he was in charge of railways projects until 1876 when being promoted to Regierungsbaumeister in Berlin. He was transferred in 1884 to the regulation of the Oder River in Breslau, today's Wrocł aw in Poland. Hamel moved in 1894 as a Baurat to Düsseldorf where he stayed for four years and conducted regulation works for Rhine River. In 1898, Hamel returned to Breslau as Baudirektor of the Oder River, where he was appointed Oberbaurat in 1902. Hamel stayed for the following years in Breslau as director of the Oder River administration.\During his stay in Düsseldorf, Hamel collaborated with Otto Intze (1843-1904) and thus was involved in hydropower installations. He contributed to both hydraulic and fluvial engineering once in charge with the Oder River, and to Silesia Province in general. His 1910 book describes reservoirs erected in Silesia to feed canal works along the river, whereas his 1901 book highlights the Oder River regulation works. Hamel's name thus is related to the increase of navigation capacity between Kosel and Breslau and the improvement of the flood safety more downstream. The Oder River had been almost impossible for navigation until the 1890s and developed into an important waterway under Hamel. At his death, additional works such as conditions under low discharge had not yet been satisfactorily solved, however. Hamel's name is associated with flood protection along Oder River, given the many dike improvements considered and the erection of overflow reaches initialized. Following these successes, Hamel was richly decorated both from Silesia County and Germany, such as with the Order of the Red-Eagle, the Crown Order of second class, and the Cross of Commander of the Italian Empire. In 1910, the German Emperor awarded him the Silver Medal for merits in civil engineering, with particular reference to the works conducted for the Oder River region.\Anonymous (1911). Oberbaurat Hamel. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 31(53): 311. PAnonymous (1911). Oberstrombaudirektor Oberbaurat Friedrich Hamel in Breslau. Zeitschrift für Binnenschiffahrt 18(14): 382-383. PHamel, F. (1901). Rückund Ausblicke auf den Ausbau der Oder. Troschel: Berlin.Hamel, F., Weidner, K. (1910). Denkschrift über die Staubecken in Schlesien. Korn: Breslau. Schönsee, O. (1924). 50 Jahre Oderstrombauverwaltung 1874-1924. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 44(44): 377-379.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.