4.4.1882 Starnberg/D - 14.7.1956 München/D
Oskar Poebing graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Technical University of München TUM in 1906. After personal collaboration with Rudolf Diesel on the Diesel motor, and the development of the Diesel locomotive with the Sulzer Company in Winterthur, Switzerland, Poebing became in 1910 an assistant to Rudolf Camerer (1869-1921) at the TUM hydraulic institute. During World War I he developed a method for discharge measurement in rivers reviewed by Hubert Engels (1854-1945). After World War II, he was a Member of the European Union for water resources problems.
Poebing developed a method to determine the available water resources of a certain river catchment. In 1919 he proposed to install the Walchenseewerk in Bavaria County as a pumping power plant. Two years later he developed a method for regulating power plants that was used for decades in Germany. In the early 1920s, Poebing had a dispute with Viktor Kaplan (1876-1934) on the origin of the Kaplan turbine. From the 1930s Poebing worked entirely in questions of water resources. His proposal to improve the Sylver Dam for flood retention was not accounted for. However, his design of the Danube-Black Sea navigation canal along Danube River was initiated in 1949. Poebing was in parallel the Conservator of TUM and a notable inventor and expert for energy questions. The Poebing weir was proposed in 1922; it corresponds to a thin-plate weir with an exponential weir geometry. A particular case of this weir type is the circular weir which had some application in the 1930s but later was not reconsidered.
Anonymous (1927). Förderer des Messungswesens: Dipl.-Ing. O. Poebing. Die Messtechnik
3(2): 66. P
Anonymous (1956). Ob.-Ing. Oscar Poebing. Wasserwirtschaft 47(1): 14. Engels, H. (1924). Handbuch des Wasserbaues. Engelmann: Leipzig, 3rd ed. Poebing, H. (2003). Oscar Poebing. Personal communication. P
Poebing, O. (1922). Zur Bestimmung strömender Flüssigkeitsmengen im offenen Gerinne: Ein neues Verfahren. Springer: Berlin.
Poebing, O. (1922). Zur Priorität der Kaplanturbine. Wasserkraft 17(1): 6-9.
Poebing, O., Spangler, J. (1929). Der Reibungsverlust in Rohrleitungen, die aus überlappten Schüssen hergestellt sind. Mitteilungen des Hydraulischen Instituts der Technischen Hochschule München 3: 118-120, D. Thoma, ed. Oldenbourg: München.
Poebing, O. (1953). Die Kultivierung der Rokitnound Prypiat-Sümpfe. Ukraine 2(4): 32-35. Poebing, O. (1955). Europäische Wasserwirtschaft. Wasserwirtschaft 46(1): 1-3.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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