21.9.1889 Görlitz/D - 21.12.1980 Kronberg/D
Alexander Ramshorn graduated as a civil engineer from the Technical University of Berlin in 1913. He then entered the Prussian Public Service where he was with the Kiel harbor authority from 1916 to 1919. Later, he joined the Emscher-Genossenschaft in the West of the country, a region formerly known for extensive mining activities. Ramshorn submitted in 1931 a PhD thesis to the Hannover Technical University. He initiated works for protecting the Emscher River and became known for his river improvement works. Ramshorn was appointed Baudirektor in 1934 and thus was a Council Member of Emscher-Genossenschaft. Shortly later he was in addition manager of the Lippe-Verband, an association whose aim was water protection of Lippe River. Ramshorn was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from the Technical University of Berlin in 1952.
Ramshorn was together with Karl Imhoff (1876-1965) a pioneer in sewer technology. Following the extensive use of the mining area around the Emscher River, along with significant soil settlements, groundwater management became a significant issue. Ramshorn was thus involved with pumping works, wastewater treatment and river improvement to guarantee minimum conditions in terms of environmental protection. After World War II, many of the works had to be rehabilitated given the massive destructions of the industrial centers following the Allied bomber attacks to the Ruhrgebiet of Germany. His 1957 book is an excellent documentation of the various works completed by the Emscher Association and its impact on the rehabilitation of similar catchments.
Anonymous (1958). A. Ramshorn. Gwf/wasser-abwasser 99(26): 643-644, with bibliography. Flemming, H.W. (1950). Baudirektor Dr.-Ing. A. Ramshorn. Der Bauingenieur 25(1): 32. P Imhoff, K. (1949). Regierungsbaumeister a.D. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Ramshorn. gwf 90(20): 552. Ramshorn, A. (1933). Neuartige Absturzbauwerke in offenen mit Betonplatten ausgekleideten Bachläufen. Technisches Gemeindeblatt 36(5): 52-56.
Ramshorn, A. (1935). Die Emschergenossenschaft als Förderin der allgemeinen Landeskultur und der Siedlung. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 55(22): 413-421.
Ramshorn, A. (1942). Modellversuche zur Gestaltung des Absturzbauwerkes an der Mündung der neuen Emscher in den Rhein. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 37(10): 464-469; 37(11): 505- 507.
Ramshorn, A. (1957). Fünfzig Jahre Emschergenossenschaft 1906-1956. Selbstverlag: Essen.

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