- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\4.6.1857 Mährisch-Schönberg/CR - 9.5.1934 Charlottenburg/D\Ernst Reichel graduated from the Vienna Technical University in 1879 as a mechanical engineer. After a short stay as an assistant at the Munich Technical University, Reichel joined in 1881 Eisenwerke AG in Hamburg to be appointed its director in 1891. Two years later Reichel took over as professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt. He installed there one of the early hydraulic institutes in 1895. Only one year later Reichel moved in this position to Berlin Technical University, where he was in charge of hydraulic machinery. In 1906, Reichel inaugurated in Berlin a hydraulic laboratory on the so called Schleuseninsel, an installation that continued in various forms until the late 1980s. Reichel retired in 1925.\Reichel's main work date from his Berlin journey, where he was interested in fast Francis runners, the Lorenz turbine as designed by Hans Lorenz (1865-1940), in axial pumps and in Pelton turbines. His name is also linked with the development of the Norwegian hydro power installation and he was one of the successful designers of the Walchenseewerk in Bavaria. Reichel was in 1906 a founding Member of Deutscher Wasserwirtschaftsverband whose journal was the Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft and from 1948 the present Wasserwirtschaft. Reichel was awarded Honorary Doctorates from the Munich Technical University in 1917 and from Berlin Technical University in 1926.\Anonymous (1968). Technische Hochschule München 1868-1968. Oldenbourg: München. Kothe, J. (1909). Die Versuchsanstalt für Wasserkraftmaschinen an der Technischen Hochschule in Berlin. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 29(64): 425-426.Poggendorff, J.C. (1936). Reichel, Ernst. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 2141-2142; 7a: 703. Verlag Chemie: Leipzig, Berlin, with bibliography.Reichel, E. (1908). Wassermessungen in der Versuchsanstalt für Wassermotoren an der Königl.Technischen Hochschule zu Berlin. Zeitschrift VDI 52(46): 1835-1841. Reichel, E. (1914). Über Wasserkraftmaschinen. Oldenbourg: München.Reichel, E., Wagenbach, E. (1918). Versuche an Becherturbinen. Zeitschrift VDI 62(47): 822- 829; 62(49): 870-876.Reichel, E. (1928). Aus der Geschichte der Wasserkraftmaschinen. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik 18: 57-68.Wagenbach, E. (1934). Ernst Reichel. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 29(7): 127. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.