22.12.1900 Nikolaev/UA - 12.8.1982 Valencia/E
Safranez's family moved in 1910 from the Ukraine to Germany. Kurt Safranez graduated in 1923 as a civil engineer from Berlin Technical University and there continued as an assistant to Adolf Ludin (1879-1968). He submitted his PhD thesis in 1929 and in parallel was active with a large engineering company both in Germany and in Egypt. He moved in 1933 to Valencia, Spain, where he founded the HIDROL Engineering Company. Safranez thus contributed to basic hydraulics during his Berlin years, and then practiced hydraulic engineering.
Hydraulic jumps are known from the renaissance although their computation by the momentum approach was first outlined by Jean-Baptiste Bélanger (1790-1874) in 1838 only. Until 1920 few additions were made when the interest increased following major damages due to scour at the base of larger dams. Theodor Rehbock (1864-1950) presented a method to reduce the scour by his dentated sill, yet without a hydraulic design. Safranez initiated the hydraulic analysis directed towards jumps. His 1927 paper is a review of existing knowledge on the hydraulic jump in rectangular channels. His 1929 paper then describes detailed laboratory observations that evidence the governing effect of the approach Froude number on the mechanisms of hydraulic jumps. This paper includes observations on the energy dissipation and on the length of the jump. The 1930 paper was an attempt to describe the surface roller in terms of the other parameters. Other PhD students of Germany working in these directions were Yehuda Peter (1904-1989) and Josef Einwachter (1899-1955). Once in Spain, Safranez took interest in irrigation techniques first, and then was involved in the design of dams, a significant issue of Spanish engineering after World War II.
Nemenyi, P.F., Safranez, K., Weinig, F. (1931). Wasserbauliche Strömungslehre. Handbuch der physikalischen und technischen Mechanik 5: 967-1145. Barth: Leipzig.
Safranez, C. (2004). Kurt Safranez. Personal communication. P
Safranez, K. (1927). Wechselsprung und die Energievernichtung des Wassers. Bauingenieur
8(49): 898-905.
Safranez, K. (1929). Untersuchungen über den Wechselsprung. Bauingenieur 10(37): 649-651; 10(38): 668-678.
Safranez, K. (1933). Länge des Wassersprunges. Wasserkraft-Wasserwirtschaft 28(24): 277-282. Safranez, K. (1965). Impermeabilización de depósitos. Revista de Obras Públicas 113: 577-588. Safranez, K. (1975). Juntas de contraccion en canales y depositos de agua. Paraninfo: Madrid. Urruela, G., Safranez, K. (1947). Recrecimiento de presas. Revista Obras Públicas 95: 428-435.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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