- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\30.1.1814 Elbing/PL - 23.1.1896 Elbing/PL\Ferdinand Schichau studied at the Berlin industrial academy until 1837 and then was sent by his father to England for further education. He founded a small factory that produced steam engines and industrial machinery for canal works and coastal improvement, such as dredgers as early as in 1841. In the 1840s he also developed steam pumps for drainage works in Prussia. In 1847 his first iron ship was designed which was so successful that an own ship yard was opened in Elbing close to Danzig. The steamer Borussia launched in 1855 was Germany's first screwpropelled boat 39.5 m long, 6.7 m wide and with a machine of 200 HP. From the 1870s Schichau also designed passengers' ships, and he successfully launched shortly later also torpedo boats. The Russians ordered 10 boats in 1878 which were 10 m long, 3.3 m wide and made a maximum speed of 16 knots with a 250 HP motor. The German Navy then ordered canon boats of 53 m length, 9 m width and 850 t water displacement with a maximum speed of 11 knots. By the 1880s, the Schichau torpedo boats were considered far superior to all others. The boat Adler designed for the Russian Navy was with 28.5 knots the fastest boat until 1900.\Schichau started with 8 collaborators in 1837, expanded to 500 in 1870 and to 5000 in 1891. He was a great designer not only of ships but also of locomotives, of steam machines and of hydraulic machinery. His son in law Ziese continued works after Schichau's retirement. When the Elbing Dock had become insufficient, a floating dock and repairing shops were taken into service in the nearby cities of Pillau and Danzig where large ships for both the mercantile fleet and the German Navy were constructed. The Danzig yard was the cradle of the new German fleet, rivaling the finest English establishments. The Schichau works have made the name of their originator to rank with that of Krupp. Schichau was awarded the Grashof Denkmünze from Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI and a Schichau Memorial was erected in Elbing.\Anonymous (1927). 90 Jahre Schichau. Deutsche Wasserwirtschaft 23(10): 265-266. PAnonymous (1937). 100 Jahre Schichau. VDI-Verlag: Berlin.Metz, H. (1930). Ferdinand Schichau. Berühmte Männer der Technik: 86-98. Quelle&Meyer: Leipzig.Müller, A.C.T. (1906). Die Entwicklung der Schichauschen Werke. Jahrbuch STG 7: 101-161. Timmermann, G. (1975). F. Schichau. Scienziati e tecnologi 3: 90-91. Mondadori: Milano. http://10.1911encyclopedia.org/S/SC/SCHICHAU_FERDINAND.htm P http://10.1911encyclopedia.org/S/SC/SCHICHAU_FERDINAND.htm
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.