- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\16.8.1892 Karlsruhe/D - 27.5.1980 Karlsruhe/D\Ernst Schleiermacher graduated as a civil engineer from Darmstadt Technical University in 1921, after having initiated there in 1912 and participated from 1914 to 1918 in World War I. He first was a consulting engineer and in parallel continued with a PhD thesis at Karlsruhe Technical University, with Theodor Rehbock (1864-1950) as the supervisor. In 1927 he was a collaborator of an engineering office in Cologne and then continued research in hydraulic engineering at the Darmstadt Technical University, where he was appointed Private Lecturer in 1938. Only one year later he was called under the arms again and served for three years in the German Wehrmacht. Schleiermacher was appointed professor of hydraulic engineering at Brno German Technical University as the successor of Armin Schoklitsch (1888-1969) who had moved to Graz in 1942. Due to war activities, Schleiermacher was unable to enter service, however. In 1947, he was released from French imprisonment and appointed scientific collaborator of the Bundesanstalt für Wasser-, Erdund Grundbau BAW in Karlsruhe in 1948. From 1957 to 1963 Schleiermacher was a professor of hydraulics and hydraulic engineering at the Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey, from where he returned as an emeritus professor to Karlsruhe University.\Schleiermacher's life reflects Germany's history of the 20th century. His like the careers of many was dictated by political developments for which millions of people offered their lifes and others were disillusioned after misery and injustice. Schleiermacher's PhD thesis represented the first work on bottom outlets as currently inserted in most high dam schemes for reservoir control. His work pointed to the large velocities encountered in such hydraulic structures and asked for additional investigations in terms of dam safety. These were furnished in the 1960s once larger damages had occurred.\Schleiermacher, A. (2003). Ernst Schleiermacher. Personal communication. PSchleiermacher, E. (1928). Wasserabfluss durch Stollen. Untersuchungen aus dem Flussbau-Laboratorium der TH Karlsruhe. Oldenbourg: München.Schleiermacher, E. (1934). Die neue Entwicklung des Hochwasserschutzes am Mississippi. Der Bauingenieur 15(1/2): 15-18.Schleiermacher, E. (1938). Ermittlung des mittleren Durchmessers der Sohlenkörnung bei Modellversuchen des Wasserbaues. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 33(3/4): 25-30.Schleiermacher, E. (1967). Vorlesungen über Wasserkraftanlagen. Teknik Üniversite Matbaasi Gümüssuyu: Istanbul (in Turkish).
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.