- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\23.1.1834 Gemünd-Rhein/D - 18.11.1894 Berlin/D\Julius Schlichting graduated as a civil engineer from the Berlin Academy of Engineering in 1857. He moved to Sagan as a Baumeister first, then to Silesia and returned after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 to Metz, by then a German city. Schlichting was there involved in the design of the Mosel-Kanal. Later he studied the conditions of navigation of Elbe River and published works on the inland navigation techniques. Schlichting was appointed in 1879 professor of hydraulic engineering at Berlin Technical University. In the 1870s Schlichting founded and also presided over the Association for the advancement of inland navigation.\Schlichting is particularly known for his contributions to the Handbuch. In one of the chapters he presented ideas on the optimum methods for regulation of rivers, in another chapter a dike system was explained to retain large floods and to reduce flooding along the floodplains of the main German rivers. Schlichting was a Member of Board of the German journal Deutsche Bauzeitung, which was founded in 1867 and continued after World War II again in 1948. The journal contains mainly practical reports on the German advance in civil engineering.\Anonymous (1894). Professor Julius Schlichting. Deutsche Bauzeitung 28(102/103): 630-631. Anonymous (1926). Schlichting Stiftung. Zeitschrift für Binnenschiffahrt 33(6): 240. P Poggendorff, J.C. (1898). Schlichting, Julius. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 3: 1194. Barth: Leipzig, with bibliography.Schlichting, J. (1874). Canalisation der Mosel von Arnaville bis Metz. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen24: 148-167; 24: 313-322.Schlichting, J. (1875). Die amtlichen Elbstrom-Schauungen in den Jahren 1869 bis 1873. Deutsche Bauzeitung 9(55): 273-275; 9(57): 285-287; 9(59): 293-295; 9(61): 303-305;9(63): 313-315; 9(65): 325-326.Schlichting, J. (1877). Die Sohlengeschwindigkeit und die Geschwindigkeits-Scala der Ströme. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 27: 75-91.Schlichting, J. (1878). Generelles Project zur Anlage des Rhein-Issel-Kanals, einer Verbindung des Rheins bei Rhee mit der Issel unterhalb Anholt. Kühler: Wesel.Schlichting, J. (1881). Die Deiche am Niederrhein. Zeitschrift für Bauwesen 31: 284-301; 31:392-403.Schlichting, J. (1892). Binnengewässer. Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaften 3(3/1): 59-212.Engelmann: Leipzig.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.