- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\26.3.1887 Grabow/D - 3.8.1972 Mechernich/D\Gerhard Schroeder made civil engineering studies at the Universities of Jena, Braunschweig and Dresden from 1906 to 1912. He submitted a PhD thesis to the Braunschweig University in 1918. He was then a collaborator of the Prussian Agricultural Ministry and from 1942 an Honorary Lecturer at the Berlin Technical University. From 1939 to 1945 he was a Ministerialdirigent of the Ministry of nourishment and from 1948 to his retirement in 1953 director of Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde in Bielefeld. He was from 1949 the editor of the restored German journal Wasserwirtschaft. Schroeder was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Hannover Technical University in 1953.\Schroeder was a true promoter of agricultural hydraulics. His first large work was a chapter in the Handbibliothek where the main procedures of that time were summarized. The book saw in 1968 its fourth edition and counts to the most successful books in this field. Schroeder took later interest in hydraulic planning of the national water resources. After World War II he was the first director of the newly founded Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde close to the city of Koblenz. This national institution was designed to investigate questions relating to water resources. The reports include, among others, hydrological modeling, water management and water-level predictions, interactions between surface and ground water, river morphology, survey of waters, biological and chemical characteristics of waters, and the development of hydrometric instrumentation.\Anonymous (1953). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schroeder. Wasserwirtschaft 43: 212. PLaier, X. (1973). Ministerialdirigent Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Gerhard Schroeder zum Gedächtnis. Zeitschrift für Kulturtechnik und Flurbereinigung 14(1): 59-60.Niehuss, P. (1962). Prof. Schroeder 75 Jahre. Wasserwirtschaft 62(4): 113. PPoggendorff, J.C. (1953). Schroeder, Gerhard. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch7a: 263; 8: 2161-2162. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.Schroeder, G. (1921). Landwirtschaftlicher Wasserbau. Handbibliothek für BauingenieureTeil 3 7. Springer: Berlin.Schroeder, G. (1952). Gedenkschrift der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde zur 50-jährigen Wiederkehr der Gründung der Preussischen Landesanstalt für Gewässerkunde. Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde: Bielefeld.Schroeder, G. (1955). Die Grundwasserreserven der Flussgebiete. Mitteilung 13, Deutsches Gewässerkundliches Jahrbuch.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.