- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals)\5.6.1927 Berlin/D - 6.11.2003 Darmstadt/D\Ralph C.M. Schröder graduated as a civil engineer from the Berlin Technical University in 1953. In 1957 he submitted there a PhD thesis and in 1963 his habilitation thesis. Schröder moved in 1965 for one year to the United States as a visiting professor at MIT, Boston. In 1967 he was appointed professor of hydraulics at Darmstadt Technical University and head of the Laboratory of hydraulics and hydrology. The new hydraulic laboratory of TU Darmstadt was inaugurated in 1971 and served for a significant activity in Germany. Schröder retired in 1989.\During the Berlin years, Schröder contributed to questions of hydraulic engineering. Together with the Indian Nallamuthu Rajaratnam, University of Alberta, Canada, Schröder was at the forefront of experimental techniques relating to the hydraulic jump. Together with Heinrich Press (1901-1968), Schröder presented a benchmark book on technical hydraulics in 1966, which is still popular in German speaking countries. Once in Darmstadt, Schröder moved to different problems mainly relating to density currents in both stagnant and moving environment, sediment transport and the governing similitude laws describing sediment movement in rivers, and to the roughness problem in hydraulics. The latter topic is still of relevance, and Schröder added with his 1990 book a lasting contribution to the effect of roughness in technical hydraulics. His 1994 book may be considered a lasting monument for undergraduate students that have to be fascinated for hydraulics and the future questions relating to the science of water.\Dallwig, H.-J., Belke, D. (2004). R.C.M. Schröder. Wasserwirtschaft 94(9): 6. PPress, H., Schröder, R. (1966). Hydromechanik im Wasserbau. Ernst&Sohn: Berlin.Schröder, R.C.M. (1954). Studien zum Thema Wechselsprung. Wasserwirtschaft 44: 296-300. Schröder, R.C.M. (1964). Druckstösse in Druckleitungen. Wasserwirtschaft 54(3): 75-81. Schröder, R.C.M. (1964). Energiedissipation und Turbulenzmechanismus im freien Wechselsprung. Wasserwirtschaft 54(5): 133-137.Schröder, R.C.M. (1985). Vergleichbarkeit von Geschiebetransportformeln. Wasserwirtschaft75(5): 217-221.Schröder, R.C.M. (1990). Hydraulische Methoden zur Erfassung von Rauheiten. DVWK Heft92. Parey: Hamburg.Schröder, R.C.M. (1994). Technische Hydraulik. Springer: Berlin.Tiedt, W. (1968). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Schröder. Wasserwirtschaft 58(2): 58. http://wabau.kww.bauing.tu-darmstadt.de/selbst/selbstdarstellung.html P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.