15.12.1888 Marosvásárhely/H - 10.2.1970 Budapest/H
Gyula (Julius) Szilágyi graduated as a civil engineer from the Budapest Technical University BTU and there in 1952 obtained the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. He joined the State Water Service in 1913 and became a member of the Harbor Inspectorate of Lake Balaton. From 1926 to 1938 he was an associate professor of hydrotechnics at BTU and in 1931 and 1932, he was a Fellow of Harvard University USA, where he was trained in sanitary engineering. From 1938 to 1942, Szilágyi was a civil servant in the Ministry of Agriculture. Between 1943 and 1946 he acted as the vice-president of the US National Bureau of Irrigation.
Szilágyi returned to Hungary in 1946 again as a professor of hydrotechnics at BTU. He served from 1952 to 1957 as the head of department in the Water Resources Research Center VITUKI, Budapest. From 1957 until his retirement in 1959, he returned again to BTU. Szilágyi's main fields of professional activity included hydrological statistics, agricultural irrigation, pedology, sewerage, drinking water treatment, river training, tube and radial well technologies, seepage projects from canals, water transport development and the design of hydraulic structures. He pioneered the adoption of scientific hydrological statistics in Hungary and he issued a great number of valuable professional publications. For several years, Szilágyi was also the Editor of the national journal Vizügi Közlemények. As an active leader of the Hungarian Hydrological Association, he was awarded in 1961 its Honorary Membership. Szilágyi may therefore be considered a hydraulic engineer who has seen almost all fields of water sciences during a long career.
Bakonyi, P. (2006). Gyula Szilágyi. Personal communication.
Laci, F. (2006). Gyula Szilágyi. Museum of Hungarian Water Management: Esztergom. P
Lászlóffy, W., Szesztay, K., Szilágyi, J. (1953). A felszíni vízkészletek szambavétele. Vizügi Közlemények 35(1): 3-77.
Lászlóffy, W., Szilágyi, J. (1955). Discharge measurements during the Danube flood of 1954: Elaboration of the data and discussion of the results. Vizügi Közlemények 37(1/2): 106-116 (in Hungarian).
Szilágyi, J. (1932). Flood control on the Tisza River. The Military Engineer 26(138): 623-626.
Szilágyi, J., Muszkalay, L. (1955). Effect of ice cover on river discharge. Annuaire de l'Institut du Ministère Hongrois de l'Agriculture 2: 80-90 (in Hungarian).
Szilágyi, J. (1956). La variation du coefficient de filtration. Dymposia Darcy Dijon 2: 133-138.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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