- HUNGARY (see also List of Individuals)\17.10.1879 Nagy-Kanizsa/H - 29.6.1916 Asiago/I\Győgó Zemplén graduated as a physicist from the University of Budapest in 1900 and in 1902 there gained his PhD degree. Zemplén found his death on the battle field. He was an assistant of Loránd Eötvös (1848-1919) from 1900 to 1908, then from 1910 to 1912 associated professor of theoretical physics at Budapest University, and from then took over as the Ordinarius. Once World War I started, Zemplén as a subject of the Austrian Empire had to go to the battlefield and there was killed on the Italian frontline.\Zemplén worked in various fields of theoretical and applied physics. He for instance contributed to the rational functions in mathematics; he applied the principles in mechanics to problems in resistance and also investigated the maximum energy conversion into heat. He further analyzed electric currents set up with stringed instruments or he contributed to the theory of shock waves. In hydrodynamics, Zemplén authored a large chapter in the Encyclopedia of the mathematical sciences on the unsteady flow features, based essentially on a paper on the subject matter published in 1905. Later, he proposed also indirect methods for determining the coefficient of resistance of gases. Zemplén further contributed to the dependency of the speed of light in terms of the source movement.\Abonyi, I. (1966). Zemplén Győgő 1879-1916. Fizikai Szemle 16(10): 289-290 (in Hungarian). PAnonymous (2004). Győző Zemplén. Magyar Nagylexikon 18: 815. Kiadó: Budapest.Zemplén, G. (1905). Kriterien für die physikalische Bedeutung der unstetigen Lösungen der hydrodynamischen Bewegungsgleichungen. Mathematische Annalen 61: 1-31.Zemplén, G. (1908). Besondere Ausführungen über unstetige Bewegungen in Flüssigkeiten. Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften 4(3): 282-326, F. Klein, C. Müller, eds. Teubner: Leipzig.Zemplén, G., Pogány, B. (1916). Untersuchungen über die innere Reibung von Flüssigkeiten 3: Innere Reibung und Gleitung tropfbarer Flüssigkeiten. Annalen der Physik Serie 4 49: 39-70. Zemplén, G.A. (2004). A hundred years make no small difference. On the life and works of Győgő Zemplén: 40-49, L. Kovács, ed. Szombathely: Budapest. 2520csaladfa/tagok/zemplen/index.htm+Zemplen+1879-1916&hl=de&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=ch P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.